Wednesday 21 May 2014

Sh*t, I Have Too Many Books Read-a-thon | Day 2 Update

Yesterday I had some meetings, so I did not accomplish as much reading as the previous day. I am also in the midst of school work, but I made a lot more progress and actually finished a graphic novel too. 

Books I am currently reading: 

  • Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins 

Total # of pages read today: 204 pages

Books I completed reading:
  • Countdown City by Ben H Winters
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart 
  • Saga - Volume 1 by Brian K Vaughan
Total # of pages read overall: 672 pages

I hope to finish Rebel Belle tonight, I am really enjoying it so far! :) 


  1. Three books finished today, wow! What did you think of Saga??

    1. Thanks so much Nikki, and I liked it! review to come ;)
