Thursday 8 May 2014

Bout of Books 10 Goals

So Since Bout of Books 10 starts on Monday, I thought I'd post my goals list earlier which includes my goals for next week and my TBR list. :)
Goals for Bout of Books 10:

  • Read a minimum of 6 books. (I gave myself this goal for the last read-a-thon and I definitely surpassed it but also, I will be working on some school work, so I don't want to overwhelm myself) 
  • Participate in at least one of the twitter chats. 
  • Participate in a minimum of two challenges. 
  • Write a daily update everyday for the read-a-thon. 
  • Read a minimum of an hour a day. (I have some friends staying with me next week and they are both participating in it, so this will definitely be do-able) 

My To-Be-Read List:

  • My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
  • Blood Red Road by Moira Young
  • Rebel Heart by Moira Young
  • Raging Star by Moira Young (Not pictured, I am getting it Monday)
  • The Last Policeman by Ben Winters
  • Countdown City by Ben Winters
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
  • Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira 

I am going to the Moira Young signing on Monday, so I definitely want to read some of her books by then, so I might start those earlier during the #AYearAThon read-a-thon, but who knows. Also, I want to read the Winters series because the third book of the trilogy comes out later this year. Of course this TBR is subject to change because it all depends on the mood, but I will update you on that as we go along. I am really excited for the bout of books read-a-thon. I had a blast last time around and I am doing it with friends this time too so that will be super exciting. 

What are your goals for the Bout of Books 10 read-a-thon? What is your TBR list?

Bout of Books


  1. Awesome TBR list! We're both reading "Blood Red Road" ;)

    1. Thank you! And yes, I am so excited for that :)
