Friday 30 May 2014

#AYearAThon June Theme: Rick Riordan & TBR Post

Hi everyone. So I am sure that you all know by now, that I love read-a-thons a lot. They encourage me to read more and it honestly is a lot to fun to participate and meet follow bookish people. There is a group on goodreads #AYEARATHON and they host one read-a-thon, per month, with a different theme. I participated in last month's read-a-thon where the theme was catch up/finish series, and this months theme is Rick Riordan! :D I am really excited because, I had read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series last year and I loved it, and I can't wait to read his spin off series from that Heroes of Olympus and what better time to do this, then the June #AYEARATHON read-a-thon! ;)

It will run from JUNE 2ND TO JUNE 8TH and you can join the group for updates, and use the hashtag on twitter to interact with other people participating as well.

I am going to continue the theme of posting daily updates the next day to recap what I read the previous day and then a wrap-up post at the end. I am giving myself the goal of reading the four books in the series for that week and I really think that I can accomplish it (though TFiOS comes out that week.. so I could be coping with the feels from that). Anyways.. here are the books I plan to read and finish for the read-a-thon:

Are you going to be participating in this read-a-thon? Let me know on the comments below! ;) 

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