Thursday 15 May 2014

Bout of Books 10 | Day 3 Update

Books I am currently reading: 

  • Rebel Heart by Moira Young
Total # of pages read today: 52

Books I completed reading:
  • Blood Red Road by Moira Young
Total # of pages read overall: 511

Yesterday was not a really good reading day for me, since I was only able to read a few pages in the morning. I was out all day, and the reason of that you will find out soon in a new series on my blog, but I have started the next book in Moira Young's series and I am really enjoying that there is Jack's perspective already and it is shifting to Saba's perspective to, so awesome! :D Can't wait to read more of it today and I hope to finish it today too since my boutofbooks is off to a bit of a slow start compared to the last one. 

How is your reading going?

Bout of Books


  1. You're doing great with this Read-a-thon. I've been wondering what Blood Red Road is about. I should probably stop slacking and just check it out. Haha! Anyways good luck with the rest of your reading and I hope you enjoy.

    1. Thanks so much! I definitely recommend picking it up if you are a fan of dystopian novels. The language has been one of the factors that makes getting into it really slow, but if you can look past that, I think you would enjoy it.

      Thanks so much and good luck to you too if you are participating :)

  2. Wow, amazing progress. I haven't read quite as much as you (ha. haha. understatement.), but I'm reading more than I normally would, so I'd call the week a success thus far :)

    1. Thanks Nikki!! :D And yes, you have been reading a lot so far, really proud of you :)
