Wednesday 14 May 2014

Bout of Books 10 | Day 2 Update

Books I am currently reading:

  • Rebel Heart by Moira Young

Books I completed reading:
  • Blood Red Road by Moira Young 

Total # of pages read today: 255 pages

Total # of pages read overall: 459 pages

So I finally finished Blood Red road yesterday and I really enjoyed it overall. It was a bit difficult in the beginning to get into the language, but overall, it really picked up the pace for me once I got used to it. I really enjoyed reading Saba's story and Emmi's story. I am currently onto reading the next one, so I am hoping to see more of Lugh's perspective and Jack's. 

I will be attempting to go to a movie set today, so a lot of the day will be spent waiting, so hopefully I get a lot of reading done. I hope you are all doing well with your reading! :D

Bout of Books

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