Saturday 24 May 2014

Sh*t, I Have Too Many Books Read-a-thon | Day 4 & 5 Update

Hi everyone. So I was away from home for a day so I was unable to update, so I am slowly catching up on all blog related things. I did not get a lot of reading done unfortunately, but I started a new book which I am really enjoying so far! I read only a bit for the past two days, but I am hoping to accomplish more today. I can't believe that tomorrow is already the last day of the read-a-thon! Insane! Here is my progress: 

Books I am currently reading: 
  • Then and Always by Dani Atkins

Total # of pages read today: 85 pages

Books I completed reading:
  • Countdown City by Ben H Winters
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart 
  • Saga - Volume 1 by Brian K Vaughan
  • Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins 
Total # of pages read overall: 902 pages

How are you doing in the readathon? Let me know in the comments below! 

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