Monday 12 May 2014

#AYearAThon Update Days 4-7 & Wrap Up

Hi everyone, so here is my update and wrap-up from last week's #AYearAThon where the theme was to finish/catch up on series. I am sad to say, I was only able to read three books last week because of my final papers and also, I was out a lot last week too. But this week starts the bout of books one, which I hope to get a lot of reading accomplished for. So here is what I ended up finishing! 
Books Completed: 

  • If I Stay by Gayle Forman
  • Where She Went by Gayle Forman
  • Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
Total Pages Read: 880 pages

#AYearAThon hosts a week read-a-thon once a month with a particular theme and this was my first time participating in it. The next theme is Rick Riordan, so that is definitely exciting because I have some books to read by him. I am going to try and participate in most of the #AYearAThon read-a-thons to come because it is a great way to narrow your reading list and get some reading done! Even though, I only read three books, I am still pretty proud of myself to finish a duo-logy by Forman and also, make some progress on the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, which I do not want to end! I will be reading the final book in that trilogy after this week of bout of books because I don't think it is the right book to marathon, it is so detailed and I honestly want to savour it, lol! 

How did you end up doing on the #AYearAThon read-a-thon for May? Will you be participating in the one next month? Let me know in the comments :)


  1. I am participating in next month's! Can you do a review of the duology? I am reading them both for the bout of books read-a-thon and would be very interested to see what you think :)

    1. Awesome!
      And I definitely will. :D I will link you to it when it is up :D
