Monday 20 January 2014

Control Read-a-long!

So a bunch of booktubers are going a read-a-long for the book "Control" by Lydia Kang. There will be a group on goodreads here and some liveshows on youtube coming up. There is already a reading schedule up, but basically it is reading it whenever you receive it. I plan on reading it as soon as I finish a couple other books, but I will have a review up and possibly progress reports! ;D 

Will you be participating in #wewantCONTROL? 

Sunday 12 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 7 Update and Wrap-Up Post!

So, here is my final update for the Bout of Books Read-a-thon. This will include what I read today and a wrap up of the entire week. This was my first read-a-thon ever and I am overall really proud of myself for how much I was able to accomplish this week! I am already so pumped for the next read-a-thon even though it is months away because I had a lot of fun! Okay, so for today's update:

Number of books I've read today: 1

  • Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken

Total # of pages read today: 489 pages

I ended up finishing Never Fade, so yay success! It was so good and such a great sequel to the first book. I loved it so much and gosh, I just adore the characters so much. I want the next one in the series already, like right now, please? 

Bout of Books 9.0 WRAP-UP

Total # of books read: 8 books

  • Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
  • Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
  • Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
  • A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
  • Vicious by V.E. Schwab
  • Outpost by Ann Aguirre
  • Horde by Ann Aguirre
  • Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken

Total # of books completed: 8 books

Total # of pages read overall: 2,823 pages

Total # of challenges completed: 3 challenges

Total # of twitter chats that I participated in: 1 twitter chat 

Overall, I think I did pretty good. I read two more books than I had originally planned. I read some different books from my original TBR and I actually only ended up not reading one of the books on my original TBR, but I am sure I will get to it soon enough. It was a huge success and I had a blast! Thanks Bout-of-Books, I am so excited for the next one :)

Bout of Books

Saturday 11 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 6 Update!

Hi everyone.. we are coming close to the end of the read-a-thon and this makes me terribly sad. I loved it and I am already excited for the next read-a-thon.

Number of books I've read today: 2

  • Horde by Ann Aguirre
  • Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken

Total # of pages read today: 231 pages

Total # of pages read overall: 2,334 pages

I finished Horde this morning and it was a great ending to the trilogy. There were moments that made me really angry but also really sad, but then really happy. It was a good conclusion to Deuce's story and I really enjoyed it. This one was especially more action packed than the previous books in the trilogy. I also got around to starting the beginning of Never Fade but I got only got about one chapter in and it is going good so far. I am going to read a teensy bit more before bed tonight.

I have not participated in any challenges since but I was able to participate in the Twitter Chat today and that was awesome. I found a lot of great bookish blogs to follow, so I am really excited about that :)

Overall it was a relatively calm reading day, compared to yesterday. I do not think I will finish Never Fade tomorrow but I will try while I get my schoolwork for the week done. I will see you all tomorrow.

Bout of Books

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 5 Update!

The sickness continues.. so that means lying in bed and reading a lot.

Number of books I've read today: 2

  • Outpost by Ann Aguirre
  • Horde by Ann Aguirre

Total # of pages read today: 521 pages

Total # of pages read overall: 2,103 pages

I am so glad that I finished Outpost which was a good sequel to Enclave. I did not like it as much as Enclave but still good to see how Fade and Deuce's story is continuing. I started Horde last night too and it was a lot more action packed then the other ones which is good. I am really enjoying this series. If you are looking for a dystopian YA read that is along the lines of The Hunger Games, I definitely recommend you check out those reads by Ann Aguirre. I am still feeling ill.. so I will try and read a good chunk today in bed while doing some homework. It is crazy how quickly this read-a-thon has flown by but I am really proud of myself for reading so much already!

Bout of Books

Thursday 9 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 4 Update!

So I had a bit of a slow reading day today because I had a day of school and then I ended up going to see The Hobbit 2 (for the second time) with one of my bestfriends. I was able to finish a book so that's good and omg. I think this is my favorite read for this entire read-a-thon. It was so good!

Number of books I've read today: 1

  • Vicious by V.E. Schwab

Total # of pages read today: 368 pages

Total # of pages read overall: 1,582 pages

Vicious was ALL kinds of amazing. I was so impressed. It was so messed up in subject content but o.m.g. the world, the characters.. it was all so addictive. I did not want to put it down. I wanted it to go on and on. I just want more of Eli and Victor, and Sydney and Mitch. It was just so awesome. I definitely recommend you check it out! :)

Bout of Books

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 3 Update!

Hi everyone. Short post today as I am about to head out. I got a fair bit of reading done but this cold is seriously getting the better of me. :( Anyways.. here is my update for yesterday!

Number of books I've read today: 2

  • Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
  • A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Total # of pages read today: 390 pages

Total # of pages read overall: 1,214 pages

I think that is pretty good, finishing up two books in one day. I am now reading Vicious by Victoria Schwab which I am seriously loving. I am swaying from my TBR a bit, but I am reading still, so that is good :) Happy reading all! 

Bout of Books

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 2 Update!

So here we are again.. the end of Day 2. Wow is this read-a-thon flying by or what? Sadly.. I have been struck with a cold, on a week where a lot of school related things are due so that means I am moving at turtle speed and really want my bed. I did get a lot of reading done last night before bed but very little throughout the day as I was feeling really poorly. I just read a bit more about an hour ago and I got a lot done actually, so *pats self on the back*. Let's see how it went today!

Number of books I've read today: 2

  • Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
  • Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers

Total # of pages read today: 454 pages 

Total # of pages read overall: 824 pages

Challenges Completed: 2 - Reading Tactics Challenge & Audiobook Cast Completed 

Overall, I think I am doing okay. I finished two books now (technically one since I started it before bout of books) and I am halfway through the next week. I might actually change up my TBR because prior to the read-a-thon I started reading the fifth book in the VA series, and now I am itching to read the finale, so I will most likely switch it up and read that after I am done with Dark Triumph. His Fair Assassin series is really enjoyable so far and I was not sure at first, but I am loving them. Great character development, great story and setting and a real page turner. Anyways, I am going to read a bit more before bed and I will see you all tomorrow. 

Bout of Books

Monday 6 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 1 Update!

Hi everyone. We are about to enter Day 2 for the Bout of Books 9.0 Read-a-thon. I started last night at midnight and I was already reading the 5th Vampire Academy novel, so I decided to finish that last night. Yay! And then I started to read Grave Mercy which I am really enjoying so far. The protagonist is not too bad to follow.. but I am really liking the possible love interest character: Duval. It is addictive reading because I want to know more and more about him and I enjoy passages where the main character interacts with him. Anyways, so I finished a book I started prior to the Read-a-thon and am now halfway through my first read. Not too bad considering I had a full school day, a pile of homework and I hate to report this, but yes, I am coming down with a cold. (Worst week ever for this to happen btw). So here is my update! :D

Number of books I've read today: 2 Books 

  • Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead 
  • Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

Total # of pages read today: 370 pages 

So far.. I think I am doing pretty good and I am pretty proud of myself for getting all this reading done today. Tomorrow will be a day of essay writing and revisions so I will only allocate a little bit of time for reading as my assignments are due Wednesday. But I will spend all my free time reading and trying to read as much as I can tomorrow. It is now Day 2.. so I will try to read more of Grave Mercy before bed and I might even finish it! ;) Anyways, I hope that you all are enjoying the bout of books read-a-thon thus far. I also posted about the Challenge: Book Buying Spree earlier today.. so check it out :) 

Challenges Completed: 1 - Book Buying Spree Challenge at Bookish Comforts

Bout of Books

Bout of Books 9.0: Book Buying Spree Challenge!

And.. we're off! Bout of books has begun and I am nearing the end of the first day. I thought I would take the time to participate in one of the challenges because this one looked like a lot of fun. It is taking place over at Bookish Comforts and it is a Book Buying Spree Challenge! It is to imagine that you won $100 and to make a wishlist of what books you would get with it! Here is my wishlist:

Almost all of these books have been raved about in the land of book blogging and book tube and have been on my wishlist for a while. Also, I own one of the Valente books, I believe the second one so I really want to get the first one of course to start that series. Most of these are raved about so I really want to get my hands on them and the Longbourn one sounds magnificent and is reminiscent of Downton Abbey possibly? :)

What would you do with $100 shopping spree, what books would you get? 

Bout of Books

Saturday 4 January 2014

Top 13 Books of 2013

I saw this floating around Youtube lately and I haven't seen anything like this before this year, so I thought why not. I was able to read 101 books in 2013.. so it was a bit difficult to narrow down my favorite 13 because I did not read a lot of books that I did not like (though.. some school assigned readings were painful to get through). Anyways, I thought that this could be a way to recommend some of my favorite books that I read this year to you all. :)

13. The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
I decided to pick this up after hearing Kat's recommendations about it. I love Schwab's writing style. It is really intriguing and the world building is great. It is a lovely little stand alone novel! 

12. Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
Another great stand alone novel that is a mix about history and technology and just about books and reading. The protagonist is awesome and really easy to follow. It is just an overall really enjoyable read about the past and present in a way that involves reading. 

11. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
This book has been around for a long time and I never got around to reading it until this year. I decided to pick it up after seeing the movie and really enjoying it. It is different from the movie, and I loved the movie version, but this book is much more disturbing in terms of content. The relationship that Ender has with his brother for example is much more intensely explored in the novel and his brother is absolutely terrifying and I found that the violence level was a lot higher. It was wonderful read and I really enjoyed it even at moments that made me cringe, because I really loved Ender as a character so much. You just can't help feeling empathetic towards him. 

10. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
This was an amazing conclusion to a trilogy I really loved. I was really worried about how she was going to end it, considering the major love triangle that is the basis of the entire story, but she ended it in such a unique and satisfying way. Oh, it hit me right in the feels. If you haven't read this series yet, check it out because like most girls who have read it, you will love and adore Will Herondale. 

9. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan 
I finally got around to reading the Percy Jackson series this year and omg they are amazing. I loved them so much. Percy as a protagonist is amazing. I had a tough time deciding which one of the series was my favorite, but I have to say this one. What amazing character development for Percy and continuity in this series. It was thoroughly enjoyable and I look forward to reading the spinoff series this year! 

8. The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling)
I feel like this was one of the most raved about books of this year. It was a release by JK Rowling under a pseudonym and I will be honest I did not finish her other book.. simply because I could not get into it. But this.. this was so addictive from the first few pages. The characters are amazing and really relatable and the story was so interesting and intriguing I just kept reading and reading and did not want to put it down. Rowling does mystery crime novels really well.. and I am really excited to see what else is to come in this series. 

7. A Separate Peace by John Knowles
I had to read this for my narrative class and it was just an amazing read. It is a boarding school book and just the story was so enthralling from the beginning pages. I really loved the character of Finny so much. The story and the intricacies of it was just amazing. I really recommend this. 

6. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
This was such a delight seriously. It is about a girl named Cath and she enters her first year of university with her twin sister Wren. Cath writes fanfiction and is an introvert whereas Wren wants to explore a bit more. I loved Cath as a character so much. This book was super relatable. All the characters were lovable. It just hit close to home. I also got to go to my first book signing and meet Rainbow this year and it was just an amazing experience. 

5. Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets to the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
I cannot even begin to describe this book. It is a book about friendship, to say the least. It was such a delight and I walked into it not knowing what to expect. Trust me when I say that this book was truly a treat. It was so lovely.. so emotional. Just.. ah! Go and read it. NOW. 

4. Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
I read this book shortly after my trip to Paris and omg.. It made me super nostalgic. It was a lovely, romantic read. Etienne is just omg. I loved him as a character so much. This book just made me gush so much. Perkins is an amazing author that builds wholesome characters that you really love and care about. I read her other novel this year too and really loved it too and I am so excited for 2014 to read the final book. 

3. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
I had read this after the book signing and it was seriously a one sitting read. It was so lovely. I loved how rich the relationship was between Eleanor and Park. I loved how realistic it all was. It was a great book and super emotional. I definitely recommend it, especially if you are a fan of Rowell's already.

2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
THIS BOOK. I have heard so many good things about it forever. And I am so glad that I finally read it. It was just amazing. The way it was written.. the structure, the language, the words. ALL of it was just amazing. GO read it immediately. 

1. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
So here we are, at my favorite book of the entire year. It was this short novel by Neil Gaiman. It was just amazing. It had fairytale and fantasy elements and just made me super nostalgic. It was a lovely book and one that you can easily devour in one sitting. I really recommend this especially if you haven't read Gaiman before, let this be your first experience. You will not regret it. I loved this book so much. It was incredibly magical and I already reread it. 

Well that is it folks. Tell me what your top books of 2013 were. I would love to know! Happy reading. x 

Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!!

Thanks for joining me here for bookish readings in the past year. I look forward to posting a lot more in 2014. Have a wonderful year all. x