Wednesday 22 April 2015

Books That Feature Travelling | Top 5 Wednesday

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all well. My apologies for missing last week's topic - I was sick AND I don't like writing negative things on my blog to begin with, and last week was most frustrating characters. Anyways, I'm back with this week's topic and it is top 5 books that feature travelling. I am including a variation of "travelling" = road trips, vacations, etc, etc. 

1. Mosquitoland by David Arnold
This one is a must for me. I loved reading about Mim's travel to see her mom and her encounters along the way and how she learns to discover some truths about herself.
Full Review located: here

2. Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson 
Travelling isn't a huge portion of the book, but it occurs mostly towards the end of the novel. I loved this book so much and I just loved the journey that the characters took and the relationships that came out of it. It is definitely one of my favorite YA novels ever. 
Full Review located: here!

3. Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
AHHH! This book follows the protagonist and her boyfriend from New York to Singapore. What a funny and incredibly fun book. I loved this so much and when I finished it, I only wanted to visit Asia even more (I've never been). The sequel for it is coming out soon and I can't wait to start reading that as well! 
Full Review located: here!

4. All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
Oh this book left me in tears. What a book indeed. This book features some travelling for the main characters Violet and Finch and the places that they visited were not traditional and I just loved following along on their journey. 
Full review located: here!

5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
I feel like this choice is pretty much self-explanatory. I mean how could I not include this one when it comes to travelling? ;)

Well that's it for this Wednesday's topic. Let me know in the comments below your choices for books that feature travelling. Thanks so much for reading! 


  1. All of these are books that I've either read or totally want to read. I think I'm going to look into Mosquitoland for sure!

    1. Yes! I think you will definitely enjoy it!

  2. I have been so on the fence about Crazy Rich Asians. I'll have to check it out.

    1. Aw yes, be sure to check it out! It is so good!
