Thursday 16 April 2015

Sabrina Ramnanan's "Nothing Like Love" Book Launch at Rhum Corner | April 14, 2015

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all having a lovely day. If you are in Toronto or the GTA area, I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we've been having. I've unfortunately have been hit with a wave of sickness. *sigh* But I recently went to a blog event that I can't wait to share with you all about. I was invited to attend the "Nothing Like Love" Launch by Sabrina Ramnanan at Rhum Corner. 

If you've been following me on twitter, you'll know that I've been talking about this book non-stop! In fact, I've recently posted a giveaway on twitter for a chance to win a copy of the book which ends on April 18th, but there is still some time to enter, so be sure to check it out here! 

The event was at Rhum Corner and I've never been there before, but it was such a lovely venue. They provided some really awesome snacks for us before hand such as patties and deep fried plantains. Sabrina gave such a lovely speech that definitely sparked some tears in the audience. I loved the book so much and I was so happy I got to finish it before I met her because listening to her talk about the process of writing it gave me even more appreciation for the text. She gives me hope as an aspiring writer to try my best to keep at my writing no matter what. And to also be brave when it comes to content, because sometimes it just works. 

After the speeches, I got to meet Sabrina for a bit and it made me so happy that she recognized me (from online) and talked about my review. I got to sing my praises to her and she was seriously the sweetest person ever. It makes me so excited just thinking about her future projects! 

What a lovely evening it was! To wrap up, I want to direct you to my full review of Sabrina's Book, which you can read more about here! I definitely encourage you to go pick up a book if you have the chance to because it definitely will not disappoint! :) 

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