Wednesday 29 April 2015

Favorite Series Endings | Top 5 Wednesday

Hi everyone! Wow! I can't believe another month has gone by already. Time really does fly. For today's topic it is Favorite Series Endings which is nice since earlier in the month there was Worst Series Endings! Anyway, here are my choices!

1. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Although, I did not love this book as much as the previous one. I still thought it was a decent ending, the best possible ending in a dystopic world. I am mad about some of the choices that Collins took with some characters, but in the end, I've grown (literally - oh hey 25!) and after rereading it recently, I've come to appreciate the ending that Collins has given us. 

2. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
Oh this book. LOVED this book so much. I really liked how the story wrapped up nicely and in such a unique way for every ship. I really wish it wasn't only a trilogy because I loved the world that Clare produced with such strong and lovable characters. Just writing this out makes me miss Tessa, Will and Jem! I think it is time for a reread ;) 

3. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Look at that! Cassie Clare has made it to two spots on this top 5 list! I was so happy to hear when Clare had planned for more books in this series and that it did not simply end with City of Glass. I LOVED how this ended so much. There was so much build up and I was definitely anxious for the bloodbath of it all :P But I think in the end, Clare really put together a beautiful ending for the characters we love so much! 

4. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
How could I not include this one? I remember lining up at midnight to get my copy and rushing home and sitting in one spot to read it until I finished it. I had mentally prepared myself for Harry's death, I got to the point where I would even be okay with it, and in the end [spoilers] Rowling didn't go through with it, which I was extremely grateful for. Although many character deaths did take place and those ones did break my heart, Rowling gave happy endings for a lot of the characters which I really appreciate. Sidenote however, I do not appreciate the editorial additions that came after publication. Sorry, J.K, but Hermione/Ron 5ever. 

5. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Saving the best for last.. IGNITE ME! OH goodness, this book was everything I wanted and more. I loved this book so much. I've reread it at least three times now and it never gets old for me. I love how everything develops so much and I just love the character of Warner! If you haven't read this series yet, what are you waiting for? Mafi has beautiful writing and builds characters that demonstrate such significant growth, it is wonderful! 

Well that is it for my choices this week. Let me know in the comments your favorite series endings! :D Thanks so much for reading and I will see you next week with another topic ;) 


  1. I can't wait to read all of Cassandra Clare's books now!!

  2. Ignite me, CoHF and Clockwork Princess are among my favorite series endings as well!!! *-*

    Ps. Stop by my blog and say hi, I'd love that! :3

  3. Couldn't agree more with Clockwork Princess! And seriously... Best. Epilogue. Ever. :) I'm starting City of Heavenly Fire soon and am hoping for good things! Ignite Me... loved it!

  4. I LOVED Ignite Me! That ending made me so incredibly happy. I was really worried that it was going to destroy me, but thankfully it didn't. I still haven't finished reading the TMI or TID series yet.... I only have the conclusions left, though! I should probably work on reading those this summer. Great post!
