Wednesday 8 April 2015

Books You Wanted to Start Yesterday | Top 5 Wednesday

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. I'm sorry I missed last week's Top 5 Wednesday. School and work recently started up again that day for me so I was swamped with getting back into the swing of things. Anyways, I'm back this week! I love the topic for this week because it basically will list the top 5 books that I really want to start reading asap, so basically the ones on my TBR list at the very top at the moment! Let's get started!

1. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon 
I feel like I'm the last person on earth to read this book. I own this one and the second one and it's been on my shelf for so long! I will start it this month though because it is the next read for Chapters/Indigo's #WorldsBiggestBookClub read! 

2. The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simons
I've also had this sitting on my shelf for so long and I keep meaning to start it. Every time I think about picking it up again, I hear another rave review about it! I need to start this! 

3. The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead
The final book in the Bloodlines series. I keep wanting to start this and finish it but deep down, I'm not ready to part with this series just yet. That is probably why it's taken me so long to get around to it!

4. Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers
Another book that I wanted to start yesterday and it just so happens it is also a final book in a series as well. I loved the first two very much so I really need to get around to finishing this! 

5. Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
I've picked this up and put it down a few times, not because I didn't enjoy it but because ARCs came in and school work added up and I couldn't find the time. I am dying to read this and find out what happens next in the story so I really hope I can start it soon! 

Well those are my top 5 books of books I wanted to start yesterday. Let me know your picks below in the comments! 

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