Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tara O'Brady's "Seven Spoons" Book Launch at Ben McNally Books | April 20, 2015

Good morning everyone! I hope that you are all having a lovely day. Today is a wonderful day for book releases and I just wanted to share with you a book launch that I recently had the pleasure of attending! The book also launches today, so be sure to run out and get your copy of it! ;) A review post will be going up immediately after this post, so be on the look out for that as well! 

I was invited to attend Tara O'Brady's Seven Spoons book launch at Ben McNally Books. My bestfriend, Nikki, who is also a blogger attend as well and you can read her recap for the event here! Another blogger and friend that attended was Shilpa from SukasaReads! It was such a fun evening chatting about recipes with wine, cheese and cookies! I've never been to that bookstore before, but another friend of mine mentioned how lovely it was so I was super excited to attend. 

The cookies were from the cookbook and omg they were AMAZING!
Tara gave a wonderful speech that definitely sparked some tears in the audience. It was so inspiring to hear about her journey as a blogger and now, a writer. I was so incredibly proud of Tara for all of her accomplishments and after attempting some of the recipes from her cookbook, it has truly become a favorite in my kitchen. Tara has produced such a wonderful cookbook, that is easy, accessible and of course, has delicious and fun recipes! 

When Nikki and I went up to meet her, she recognized us from instagram/twitter and our cooking days which was incredibly sweet! She even recognized which sauce Nikki preferred in the salad rolls recipe (so awesome)! 

Tara O'Brady giving her opening speech and signing a copy of Seven Spoons. 

What an incredibly awesome evening! My review for the book will be up shortly, but in the mean time, if you haven't had the chance to pick up a copy of Seven Spoons, it is released today and you can purchase it at: Chapters/Indigo or Book Depository (Free International Shipping)


  1. She is so lovely! I feel lucky that we got to go show our support.
