Wednesday 8 April 2020

Batch Reviews #20

Get A Life, Chloe Brown (The Brown Sisters #1) by Talia Hibbert (✮✮✮✮✮ - 5/5 stars)
Publishing Date: November 5, 2019
Publisher: Harpercollins
Pages: 384

My overall thoughts and review: one of my co-workers raved about this book and I was so excited to finally pick it up. It did not disappoint and it definitely makes me want to check out Hibbert's older books as I wait for the second book in this series. This story follows Chloe Brown, who is chronically ill. She has near-death experience and finds that she needs to get her life in order. She compiles a list of things that will help her "get a life" and the items include things like enjoy a drunken night out, motorcycle rides, have meaningless sex, go camping, and more. She starts this journey by moving into a new apartment, and there she finds herself in a bit of a hate but attracted tension with the handyman, Red. They find themselves slowly connecting on the basis of Red helping her with her list, and Chloe helping him with his website. We learn more about Red's past and why an artist/painter is hiding away as a handyman instead of pursuing his art life. I really loved their relationship because both came with some serious baggage, and I loved that they were able to work out what they were comfortable with and what they needed from the other person. I loved the versions of themselves that the other brought out. Red is seriously the sweetest, but I also loved his teasing playful side. Chloe too is so endearing, but also so vulnerable. I absolutely loved this read and I don't want to say too much more because it's really something you need to experience for yourself! So get out there, and get this book, reader!

Available for purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Kindle, and Book Depository

Love Her or Lose Her (Hot & Hammered #2) by Tessa Bailey (✮✮✮✮ - 4/5 stars)
Publishing Date: January 14, 2020
Publisher: Harpercollins
Pages: 352

My overall thoughts and review: I read the first book in this series last year, and I absolutely loved it! I was really looking forward to this one because we got to see snippets of Rosie in Fix Her Up, but also I just wanted more of Travis and Georgie. I'm pleased to say that Bailey delivered on all fronts! The extra Travis and Georgie moments were soooo sweet as they were planning their upcoming wedding. If you thought you swooned last book with Travis Ford, well brace yourself. He pops up a handful of times and will swooon you away. Anyways, back to the main couple of this book. Rosie and Dom. They have been together forever since highschool, but lately, Rosie feels that their relationship has just dwindled. They don't talk, and besides a lustful Tuesday evening, there isn't much holding their relationship together. Rosie decides once and for all to leave, but Dom doesn't take that too well. She even throws hippie couples therapy at him, and he is game. He will do anything to prove to his wife that he loves her and he wants the marriage to work. I can't imagine marriage therapy is an easy thing, and you really see both coming to terms with their own roles in the breakdown of their marriage and how they need to acknowledge the needs and desires of the other person. Dom is incredibly defensive, and even in therapy when Rosie recognizes her own faults, he always defends her. He is quite sweet, but he also doesn't believe recognition is needed, because he's doing what he should. I liked seeing him grow in this book and just also show what he wanted out of the marriage. You get to see them fall in love again, but also fall for the current and new versions of themselves. Also, their sexual chemistry was off the charts, seriously!! All in all, another decent read from Bailey. Georgie and Travis are my favorite forever though. I just love this little community that Bailey has put together, and I'm so excited for the next book in the series (Bethany and Wes' story)!

Available for purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Kindle, and Book Depository

Stealing Her (Covet #1) by Rachel Van Dyken (✮✮✮✮ - 4/5 stars)
Publishing Date: November 5, 2019
Publisher: Amazon Publishing
Pages: 318

My overall thoughts and review: I've been reading RVD books for a while now, and I'm a big fan of the duologies that she's been writing. When I first read the premise for this one, I was a bit hesitant because it reminded me of soap operas, but I went into it with an open mind, and who doesn't love a bit of dramatics? There are two twin brothers, Julian and Bridge, one gets in a bad car accident and is asleep in a coma, but the world has to go on, and the estranged twin brother is forced to impersonate his brother while he heals. That means taking over his position at work, becoming the company's CEO, but that also means pretending he is who he says he is with his brother's fiance. Julian and Izzy were already rocky to begin with, and when Bridge comes in as Julian, he has to try and maintain that he is 'Julian' but he is also drawn to Izzy, and wants to make up for his brother's mistakes. I felt horribly torn while reading this. On one hand, I really wanted Bridge to be happy and get the girl, but on the other hand, I also wanted Julian to be able to redeem himself. Ultimately, it came down to Izzy's happiness, and what she needed. I did enjoy seeing them all come to terms with the situation, and how this situation brought to light family relationships that needed mending, and getting rid of ones that were toxic. While it didn't fully resolve the brothers relationship, I look forward to the next book since it does follow Julian. All in all, it was a decent read that spoke a lot to relationships that can feel like burdens and how you can feel trapped, but it also spoke about finding yourself again. I really liked that RVD touched on how relationships change all the time, and to want to capture something from the past or the very beginning is quite hard, because you aren't willing to accept the present. Although it had a comatose brother and an evil father, RVD was able to write a heartwarming blossoming relationship, and highlight a lot of great take aways. Def recommend, and I am totally starting Julian's book next!

Available for purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Kindle, and Book Depository
Disclaimer: I received an advanced reader's copy from Thomas Allen & Son in exchange for consideration/review. All opinions are my own.

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