Saturday 10 January 2015

Bout of Books 12 | Day 5 Update

Hi everyone. A little late with my update post from Day 5, but I've been busy prepping for the week and working on some homework. Anyways, I just finished off a book yesterday and fell asleep early because of my coughing fits. But hey! that is another book to the read list.

Books I read on Day 5: 
  • Frostfire by Amanda Hocking 
Total # of pages read on Day 5: 201 pages

Books I completed reading overall:
  • The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
  • Lumberjanes Issue 1
  • Lumberjanes Issue 2
  • Lumberjanes Issue 3
  • Lumberjanes Issue 4
  • Lumberjanes Issue 5
  • Lumberjanes Issue 6
  • Lumberjanes Issue 7
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 3
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 4
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 5
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 6
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 7
  • Love & Other Theories by Alexis Bass 
  • Frostfire by Amanda Hocking
Total # of pages read overall: 1,345 pages

Pretty pleased with myself so far. That brings the total novel count to 3 and it was actually my first time reading something by Amanda Hocking which I really enjoyed. I hope to read a bit more of a book I started early this morning today and maybe finish it off, so we shall see. 

How are you doing so far on #boutofbooks? Let me know in the comments below! 

Bout of Books

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