Friday 9 January 2015

Bout of Books 12 | Day 4 Update

Hi everyone! I hope that everyone is doing well. We are basically more than half-way through the read-a-thon now which is insane! :D Here is my progress from yesterday - day 4!

Books I read on Day 4: 
  • Love & Other Theories by Alexis Bass 
  • Frostfire by Amanda Hocking (120 pages read) 
Total # of pages read on Day 4: 497 pages

Books I completed reading overall:
  • The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
  • Lumberjanes Issue 1
  • Lumberjanes Issue 2
  • Lumberjanes Issue 3
  • Lumberjanes Issue 4
  • Lumberjanes Issue 5
  • Lumberjanes Issue 6
  • Lumberjanes Issue 7
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 3
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 4
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 5
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 6
  • Bee and Puppycat Issue 7
  • Love & Other Theories by Alexis Bass 
Total # of pages read overall: 1,144 pages

So far, I completed two books and I am about 30% in for the next one by Amanda Hocking. I haven't had the chance to complete any challenges yet so I hope to do so soon. 

What is your progress so far for #boutofbooks? Let me know in the comments below!

Bout of Books

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