Thursday 22 January 2015

A Book with Bad Reviews | 2015 Reading Challenge

Hi everyone! Today's challenge that I recently finished is A Book with Bad Reviews. I particularly am not fond that this a challenge to begin with, because it will either lead to more bad reviews or well, hopefully good ones! In this case, it was a book that was "ok" in my opinion. I did not love it and of course it had problems, but it was entertaining while reading. The series itself has gotten bad reviews because it originated as fanfiction about One Direction, but the numbers don't lie. There is quite a big following and a fan base for the series and I can see why a lot of people are attached to it. It did surprise me however as the series went on, but I think I might save that for another blog post.

A Book with Bad Reviews goes to:
After We Collided by Anna Todd
(Review: COMING SOON!)

Have you finished any challenges in the #2015ReadingChallenge? Let me know in the comments below! 

I recently finished A Book Written by Someone Under 30 and it is actually the same author as this one, Anna Todd, which you can read about here! And you can track my entire progress thus far here! :D 

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