Tuesday 3 June 2014

#100happydays | Day 21 - June 3rd 2014

Today was a good mail day. I got a package from Book Outlet which I recently placed an order for. I saw books that have been on my wish list for some time now at bargain price, so I thought why not! I am so excited to read all of these since I have heard really good things about them all. And to top it all off, I got a coupon for my next order.. so there could be another order from them quite soon ;)


  1. Yay for new books! You're the second person I've seen get Winger off of book outlet! I'm mildly surprised by that for some reason. I don't know why though. I plan on reading it this month, so I hope you enjoy it! I'm also interested in reading Perfect Ruin and Incarnate. Damn, I wish we had a website like book outlet here in Australia!

    1. Yeah I was shocked when I saw it on there for only $7! I couldn't believe it. I hope to read it soon, it sounds really good. I will have reviews up for those! And I wish you had a book outlet too! :(
