Wednesday 17 June 2015

Books You Read in One Sitting | Top 5 Wednesday

Hi everyone! So I'm back with a Top 5 Wednesday post for you all today. The topic is "Books You Read in One Sitting" (or close to). This is a really exciting topic because every so often, I completely DEVOUR a book in one sitting and it just goes to show how much I really enjoyed that read. I am going to pick books that I've reviewed on the blog, so you can read my full review to get more of my thoughts on the book. 

1. The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things by Ann Aguirre
I really enjoyed this book so much! 
It was such a cute and lovely contemporary young adult romance novel! 
Review: Here! 

2. I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios
Another really great contemporary young adult novel that brings two individuals from different parts together. It tackles the experiences one has with war which really brought another dimension to the YA genre imo. 
Review: Here!

3. Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum
I seriously could not put this book down. It was such an intriguing book and I found myself just devouring it! 
Review: Here!

4.  At The Water's Edge by Sara Gruen
This one wasn't one complete sitting but close enough since I had only read a few chapters and finished the rest of the book one evening. I loved this story so much and it is definitely one of my favorite reads from this year! I highly recommend it. 
Review: Here!

5. We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen
I LOVED this book. This was such an incredibly cute and adorable story. 
It is one that will make you feel all "fuzzy" inside. 
Review: Here!

Well that is all from me for this Top 5 Wednesday Post! Let me know in the comments below which books you were able to read in one sitting, I would love to know! Happy reading! 


  1. Literally just added all of these to my Goodreads hehe! You have wonderful taste Christine so I'm sure they are all incredible reads! The first and last book sound especially great. Awesome post my love! xxxxx

    1. So glad to hear! :D I hope you enjoy these reads! :D xx

  2. I'm truly interested in At The Water's Edge. Hope to read it soon :D
    Never heard about the other ones though.

    Thiago -

    1. Yes, I think you will definitely enjoy it! Sara Gruen does not disappoint! :D

  3. I love "We Are All Made of Molecules" as well!! So sweet. I need to read "Hausfrau" really soon. And I'm loving "At the Water's Edge" so far!
