Saturday 20 June 2015

Blogger Event with Paula McLain and Elizabeth Hay at Oliver & Bonacini Café Grill | June 16, 2015

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. I have an event recap for you all today for a Blogger Event I recently attended. The lovely gals at Random House Canada put together a blogger reception for the wonderful authors Paula McLain and Elizabeth Hay. It was held at the lovely Oliver and Bonacini Café Grill on Yonge/Front. I have never been there before now, but I've been to some restaurants before from the O&B Brand and I loved their food and setting. This Café Grill was no different. There was lovely pizza dishes and lots of wine which makes the perfect and intimate setting for talking about books.
 Both authors have new releases coming up. Paula McLain, author The Paris Wife (I loved this book so much), has a new book titled Circling the Sun and Elizabeth Hay has His Whole Life. I am in the midst of finishing these books so expect a full review from me soon on both of these titles! ;)
Both authors were so sweet and charming and from the minute they came into the restaurant, they took their time to speak to each of the bloggers. They asked us questions about how we started blogging, why we blog and basically, how our online presence works. Paula McLain talked about writing reviews and how we felt about negative reviews and I was able to express that I personally prefer to write positive reviews because there is a person on the other side reading these reviews. Elizabeth Hay mentioned that she doesn't particularly read bad reviews in general.

We also got to talk about some writing. Paula McLain stated that she just loves writing in the 1920s time period and for her, the dialogue just comes easy. Elizabeth Hay mentioned that with writing, there is a lot of rewriting but the process definitely pays off in the end. I got to speak about my research as a graduate student to both of them and they both very kindly wished me luck with my future studies which I thought was incredibly sweet (I was definitely beaming afterwards)!
It was such a wonderful opportunity meeting two incredibly inspiring authors. After talking to them you definitely want to sit down and start writing. Thanks for such a lovely Tuesday afternoon, Random House! I had a blast!
I will see you all in my next post and keep your eyes peeled for the reviews of both books soon! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had an amazing time Christine! I remember you mention The Paris Wife and I'm so interested to check it out, it sounds spectacular! xxxxxx
