Friday 26 June 2015

"A Book of Spirits and Thieves" by Morgan Rhodes Book Launch at Bakka Phoenix Books | June 23, 2015

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. I have another event recap for you all today. :) I recently got to attend the book launch in Toronto for Morgan Rhodes' newest novel A Book of Spirits and Thieves at Bakka Phoenix Books. The newest novel is a spin-off series from the Falling Kingdom series and it takes place in Mythica AND in Toronto in the Annex. So.. the book store location was quite fitting actually! :D
The bookstore set up the entire book for Morgan's launch which was awesome!
Morgan did a small reading from the book which was awesome! She also very kindly came by and spoke to a bunch of us who are book bloggers and booktubers! She even took a selfie with all of us which you can find on her Facebook page and instagram. She was so incredibly sweet and lovely and I just really appreciated that she took the time to say hello! She even recognized a few people from their youtube channel which was super sweet :)
They also had a WONDERFUL chocolate fudge cake. It was AMAZING. Still dreaming about it if I'm being honest. It was so good!

Here is a sneaky photo of Morgan cutting the cake!
After we all had a slice of cake, the signing started! I had my big pile of books and Morgan was so sweet and took her time signing everything and chatting. She also had a lot of swag with her which was awesome. I got a signed Falling Kingdoms poster *squee*
Here are some more photos of all my lovely books signed :D

It was such a fun evening meeting Morgan and meeting fellow bookish lovers! :D Thank you to Morgan, the lovely people at Razorbill Canada and Bakka Phoenix Books for a lovely evening!
A Book of Spirits and Thieves by Morgan Rhodes is NOW available - my full review will be up for it soon. I never got around to reviewing the three books in the Falling Kingdom series so far, so let me know in the comments below if that is something that would interest you :)
Now available for purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo and Book Depository (Free Worldwide Shipping)

1 comment:

  1. Read the description of the first book on Goodreads and it seems really interesting! Wonderful post sweetie, now I'm craving chocolate fudge cake hehe. :D xxxxx
