Monday 27 July 2015

The Taylor Swift Book Tag

I was tagged last month by the lovely Nicole from Nicole's Novel Reads for the Taylor Swift Tag. I did not know this was a thing until I was tagged and I was so excited. I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift! Actually kind of counting down the days until her Toronto stop on the #1989WorldTour ;) 

Anyways, the tag was originally created by The Book Life! I will leave my tags for the end of the post. 

1. For ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ pick a book (or book series) that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with. 

After the "Twilight" craze, I remember looking to the Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La Cruz. I've read every single book from that series and while in the beginning, I really enjoyed it, towards the end of the series, I no longer connected with the characters like I used to and I felt that the narrative was dragged out over too many books. 

2. For ‘Red’ pick a book with a RED cover. 

This one was easy! I chose the most vibrant red book sitting on my shelf! It is also my favourite book from the Hunger Games trilogy. 

3. For ‘The Best Day’ pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic. 

Always. (I think that says enough) 

4. For ‘Love Story’ pick a book with forbidden love.

I would definitely categorize Sydney and Adrian as forbidden. 

5. For ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’ pick a book with a bad character you couldn’t help but love.

Warner, for obvious reasons. 

6. For ‘Innocent’ (written b/c of Kanye West!) pick a book that someone ruined the ending for.

This one was unfortunately spoiled for me. I couldn't believe it! It was literally the first sentence of someone's review on goodreads. Unbelievable! 

7. For ‘Everything has changed’ pick a character from a book who goes through extensive character development. 

For this one, I am most definitely going to pick Snape. JK paced it really well for Snape and I really enjoyed seeing how it all unfolded and I was so happy (bittersweet really) by the end of it. 

8. For ‘You Belong With Me’ pick your most anticipated book release. 

I couldn't choose just one. These are currently my most anticipated releases - Dumplin' by Julie Murphy, Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling and Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare! I am so excited for all of these and I wish I could read them right now! 

9. For ‘Forever and Always’ – Pick your favourite book couple. 

Ron and Hermione forever. I am going to ignore JK's recent edits to cannon :P 

10. For ‘Begin Again pick a series that deserves a second chance.

One of my favourite series ever by one of my favourite authors ever. I know this series did not get a lot of love, but I definitely recommend going back and checking it out. If there's one book you should buy this year, it is this one. Seriously. Do it. I want the third book. 

11. For Wonderland pick a book that features your favourite fictional world.

This one was a no-brainer. I can get my bags packed instantly. Please take me to Hogwarts. 

12. For Last Kiss pick a series that you’re not ready to let go, even though it ended. 

Harry Potter once again. I decided to change it up to feature the new covers. Although it has ended, these new editions that have been coming out just reignite my love for the series. 

13.  For Clean pick a series where you’re glad it’s over.

Unpopular book opinion coming - but I'm so glad that this series is over. Surprisingly enough, I enjoy the movies a lot, but the book series just wasn't for me. I liked the first book and from there it just went downhill. It was a struggle for me to get through the final book. 

14. For Wildest Dreams pick your favourite fictional guy–it’s preferred but he doesn’t have to be a bad boy. 

Warner. Warner. Warner. Warner. Warner. 

15. For Enchanted pick a book you found by chance that you ended up loving.

I was browsing chapters one day when I came across this. What a wonderful read. It totally blew me away and I just get emotional thinking about it. Incredibly beautiful book. 

16. For All You Had to Do Was Stay pick a book you didn’t finish that you wish you had given another chance.

I stopped after Beautiful Creatures. I also recently purged my books to a friend of mine. I want to give it another chance at some point because so many people love this series, but at the moment, I am just not feeling it. 

17. For ‘Come Back, Be Here’ pick the book you would least like to lend out, for fear of missing it too much. 

All of my books? I don't usually lend out books. I do sometimes to a selective few, but even so, I'm not a big fan of doing it because I will miss my books. I also worry about my books. 

18. For Teardrops on My Guitar’ pick a book that made me cry a lot. 

I cried like crazy the first time I read it. I did not know what to expect because I went into this book blindly and wow. I will say though, if I were to read it today, I don't think that would happen. 

19. For Shake it Off pick a book I love so much that I just shake off the haters.

Winger has some mixed reviews and I can see why the main character can be annoying at times.. but I just love this book SO. MUCH. Ryan Dean has such great character growth! 

20. For Blank Space pick my favourite autographed book. 

Meeting Ishiguro will forever be a moment that I will cherish. You can read my full recap from when I met him -> here!

21. For Today was a Fairy Tale pick my favourite retelling. 

The Lunar Chronicles of course! There are fairy tale retellings with influences from Sailor Moon. 

Well that was a lot of fun! Thanks again to Nicole for tagging me. I hope that you all enjoyed my answers for this tag. I will tag the following lovely people:

If you do this tag, please link me it below in the comments! <3 

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