Thursday 23 July 2015

Join The Word on The Street Book Club

Hi everyone. If you follow me on twitter, you would've heard the news that I was selected as one of this year's The Word on the Street Book Club Leaders. My book is "The Deadbeat Club" by Dietrich Kalteis.
Here is an excerpt of the book from the Word on the Street website:
Grey Stevens took over the family business after his uncle passed away and now grows the best pot in Whistler. It’s called Eight Miles High and the word on the street is it rivals anything on the planet. Happy to fly under the radar in this mountain playground, Grey just wants to take life easy and snowboard the cold months and bike the hot ones. But demand for his pot among the locals and tourists keeps growing. Everybody wants to get their hands on it, including the two rival gangs in town to take over the dope trade. When Grey steps in and rescues a girl from a beating at the hands of one of the gang members, he finds himself in the middle of a turf war and a new relationship at the same time. After one of his roommates gets attacked and another one goes missing, Grey has to decide whether he’s going to play it safe — take off with the girl and start over someplace new — or stay and fight for what is his.
For further information on Word on The Street this year and the Book Club, you can check out their website -> here! There are some remaining spots to sign up. The WOTS team have a few copies left of the book and all you have to do is email to claim your copy. You would start reading it as soon as you get it and for every week in August, we would discuss it on their Book Club blog -> here!
So what are you waiting for? Claim your copy so we can be book club buddies in August! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine,

    I wanted to drop you a quick note and thank you for leading an interesting discussion of my novel. I enjoyed following your book club's comments week by week. And please pass my thanks on to the group.

    I hope we get a chance to meet and say hello at The Word on the Street.

    All the best.

