Monday 27 July 2015

The Fourth Annual Book Blogger Meet | July 25, 2015

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all having a lovely start to the week. This past weekend, I attended the Fourth Annual Book Blogger Meet. It was the first year I've attended and it was SO. MUCH. FUN. For those of you that don't know, it is a great group of girls that put together this event yearly where book bloggers, publishers and authors come together to mingle and chat about all thing books! The website is Book Blog Ontario!  

The event was held at The Ballroom in Toronto. I've been there a few times now and I was ecstatic when I was told the event was being held there. It is incredibly spacious. We all walked in and we got wonderful swag bags filled to the brim with books. We were also told to bring some extra tote bags because there were a ton of extras. They were not kidding. The tables also had extra books and there was so much swag as well! :D The girls and publishers definitely spoiled all of us bloggers. 

This was the pins/swag table by the end of the event. So many amazing pins. There are also some #simonsower for the instagram challenge, which I'm currently participating in. You can follow my progress at @soufflegrl. 

There was also a book swap at the event and on top of all the extra books we got, we also traded some books. It was so great to finally put a face to a name for so many bloggers and it was so awesome to meet some new faces! I had a wonderful time catching up with some friends and meeting new bloggers. The food at the event was also amazing. I just have to mention it because I am a big foodie and the staff was rolling out some pretty delicious food for us all. 

These are the incredibly swap items I got. I want to thank Amanda (BBBblogCA) for the lovely card and for the books, Tiff (mostlyyalit), Jaclyn (jacqua83), Hayley (HayleyAG) and Michele (justalillost)! I am so excited to read these and the book swap was such an amazing idea!  

The organizers also had some amazing authors come visit. I was able to speak to Sally Christie and Danielle Younge-Ullman who were both incredibly lovely and I got my books signed by them! All in all, it was such an amazing way to spend a Saturday. I had a wonderful time with my fellow book lovers and I walked away with so many books. My blogger heart is incredibly happy. I want to thank the very hardworking organizers once more - Michele, Liz, Angel, Wendy and Christa, you guys are all so amazing! Thank you for a wonderful event. Lastly, I want to thank the wonderful authors and publishers for donating so many books and to the authors for spending Saturday with all of us. I simply can't wait for the next blogger meet next year! 

I will end this post on a picture of all the wonderful books and swag I received at the event. I am so excited to dig in to all of these books - they all sound WONDERFUL. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I crumbled at the thought of meeting these authors so at least you did better than me in that regard--but I'm pleased to hear that you enjoyed your first time experience at this event too! It was definitely a bit overwhelming meeting everyone for the first time haha.

    Joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts.
