Tuesday 11 August 2015

Upcoming Children's Books Releases | Batch Reviews

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all having a wonderful Tuesday. I decided to change things up for a moment and put together a "batch review" post - I was inspired by some youtube videos that followed this format. I thought it would be a great way to review a bunch of children's books all in one post! Here are some upcoming releases that you can look forward to:

Sonya's Chickens by Phoebe Wahl

Publishing Date: August 11, 2015
Publisher: Tundra
Pages: 32 pages

The Premise: "Sonya raises her three chickens from the time they are tiny chicks. She feeds them, shelters them and loves them. Everywhere Sonya goes, her chicks are peeping at her heels. Under her care, the chicks grow into hens and even give Sonya a wonderful gift: an egg! One night, Sonya hears noises coming from the chicken coop and discovers that one of her hens has disappeared. Where did the hen go? What happened to her? When Sonya discovers the answers, she learns some important truths about the interconnectedness of nature and the true joys and sorrows of caring for another creature" (Description from Chapters/Indigo website). 

My overall thoughts and review: To begin with, I want to say that this is definitely one of the most beautiful children's books I've seen ever. The art is beautiful and it feels as if you are looking at beautiful paintings with every page. The story follows Sonya and how she raises the chickens and how under her care they grow. I think it is a wonderful story that focuses on how nature works and having understanding for the environment. It also has a great message with dealing and acceptance loss and how to ultimately care for other animals. I think it is a lovely read that all readers will enjoy! I can't wait to pick up more books by Wahl because not only is the story fantastic, the art is just over-the-moon wonderful.

My rating of the book:  (5/5 stars) 

Now available for purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo and Book Depository (Free Worldwide Shipping)

Bug in a Vacuum by Melanie Watt

Publishing Date: August 25, 2015
Publisher: Tundra
Pages: 96 pages 

The Premise: "A bug flies through an open door into a house, through a bathroom, across a kitchen and bedroom and into a living room ... where its entire life changes with the switch of a button. Sucked into the void of a vacuum bag, this one little bug moves through denial, bargaining, anger, despair and eventually acceptance -- the five stages of grief -- as it comes to terms with its fate. Will there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Will there be dust bunnies in the void? A funny, suspenseful and poignant look at the travails of a bug trapped in a vacuum" (Description from Chapters/Indigo website). 

My overall thoughts and review: The gals from RHC recently pitched this as one of their pick's in a list of upcoming releases and I was instantly intrigued by it! The premise was awesome because it incorporates the five stages of grief. I thought it was a super creative way to incorporate that message for young readers. Alongside that, the art in this book is also fantastic. The illustrations were so detailed and it really felt like you were getting some pictures through the lens of the bug. I think this is a fantastic, funny and super adorable read for young readers and readers of all ages! :D Definitely one to check out because it is super enjoyable and you will find yourself gravitating towards it again and again. 

My rating of the book:  (5/5 stars) 

Now available for pre-order purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo and Book Depository (Free Worldwide Shipping)

When Santa Was A Baby by Linda Bailey and Geneviève Godbout

Publishing Date: October 13, 2015
Publisher: Tundra 
Pages: 32 pages

The Premise: "Santa's parents think their little one is absolutely wonderful, even though he has a booming voice instead of a baby's gurgle, loves to stand in front of the refrigerator, gives his birthday presents away, trains his hamsters to pull a matchbox sleigh ... and has an unusual interest in chimneys. The adorably funny portrait of an oddball kid who fulfills his destiny - and two very proud parents" (Description from Chapters/Indigo website). 

My overall thoughts and review: I loved this book so much. Think of it as an origin story for Santa. Which I think is definitely a nice perspective for young readers that is really unique. It follows Santa from when he was a baby and showcases how he loves to be in the cold, he gives away his presents and wanted a horse-like unicorn and more. All small hints that add up to the Santa that we know and love. I think this would be a wonderful early Christmas gift for young readers, so definitely get on pre-ordering it. I think this is a wonderful read for all seasons and perfect for readers of all ages because it focuses on literally when Santa was a baby and his growth as an individual. The artwork is also super beautiful and Godbout did a wonderful job with the illustrations! 

My rating of the book:  (5/5 stars) 

Now available for pre-order purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo and Book Depository (Free Worldwide Shipping)

Disclaimer: I received an advanced reader's copy of all three books via Netgalley from Random House Canada for consideration/review. All opinions are my own. 

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