Tuesday 11 August 2015

Review: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir by Felicia Day

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir by Felicia Day 

Publishing Date: August 11, 2015
Publisher: Touchstone
Pages: 272 pages

The Premise: Felicia Day, the whedonite actress who is known mostly for her appearances in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long-Blog and as the producer of the web-series The Guild has written a book! In this memoir, Felicia goes through her childhood and upbringing, her rise in the online world and offers the reader a look inside her life. Felicia talks about embracing the "weird" in such a creative way!

My overall thoughts and review: I find it extremely hard to write a thorough review for a book I really loved. Let's add this one to that list. I tweeted Felicia recently when I finished reading this book saying that I've never felt more "at home" with a book and then she favorited the tweet, and then I went on to fangirl like a crazy woman for a few moments. That was a tangent, but it leads into what Felicia tackles in her book: the Internet. How crazy it can be obviously. But also, how it has changed and expanded and how different it was when she first started. I was pretty late to the internet world in the grand scheme of things, so hearing about it from Felicia's point of view was just fascinating! I loved hearing about her getting her computer and getting hooked on her first computer game. It was relatable and I felt like she just got me you know? It is a weird thing to say, but I felt like ok.. "Felicia Day gets it. It isn't that weird" when it came to her discussing loving gaming and going online.

I know Felicia mostly from her appearances in things like Buffy and Dr. Horrible, and I wasn't really familiar with her web-series until I read the book. It was nice to learn about the process that brought her to creating the web-series and furthermore how she changed as a person with that progress. Felicia starts the book by giving us a good look into her childhood which I really related to. (Felicia, if you are reading this, thank you for adding in all the photoshop gold and including the old photos of your drawings. They made my heart happy) The entire book was just so enjoyable. I ended up reading it and then reading it again out loud to my boyfriend and we were both dying of laughter. I felt so inspired during and after reading the book because she encourages you to be weird, be brave and embrace things that are sometimes scary. Yes sometimes things have an downside (the #GamerGate stuff was down right terrifying), but Felicia demonstrates that it is a risk that one must take and seeing where it has brought her today is all kinds of inspiring. I think if you are a Felicia Day fan in general, you will love this right off the bat. If you aren't familiar with Felicia Day, I still think you will love this book right off the bat. It is down to earth, hilarious and just brilliant!

This was hands-down one of my most favorite reads from this year and for those of you that don't know, Felicia Day is actually coming to Toronto this Thursday, August 13, 2015 for a signing - you can find out more details about it here! Please let me know in the comments below or tweet at me @padfootslibrary if you are going to the signing! I hope to see you there! :D

I will end this review with this wonderful video from Felicia that she posted recently titled "Embrace your weird" - If that doesn't convince you to get the book, I don't know what will! ;)

My rating of the book:  (5/5 stars) 

Now available for purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo and Book Depository (Free Worldwide Shipping)

Disclaimer: A copy of this book was sent to me by Simon and Schuster Canada for consideration/review. All opinions are my own.  


  1. I love this book too!! And I love that she encourages everyone to embrace the weird, because that's so important. And the pictures are hilarious, I seriously love them ;D
