Saturday 22 August 2015

The One Direction Book Tag!

Hi everyone! So I recently saw One Direction in concert and it might have been seriously the best moment of my life. It was so amazing and it just reaffirmed my love for them. Harry Styles is a total babe in real life. ;) Anyways, I had so much fun with the Taylor Swift book tag I did a while back that I found this one and I thought it was perfect!  Let's get started!
1. Steal My Girl
Everybody wanna steal my girl…
 …Find another one ’cause she belongs to me
(a book with a really good love triangle)
The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare
Perfect love triangle! I don't think I can think of any series that does it quite like this one.  I was blown away with how Cassandra Clare executed it all!

2. Where Do Broken Hearts Go
Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out
 How to fix up a heart that I let down
(a character who proves himself/herself worthy)
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Victor definitely proves himself worthy I think. This book definitely subverted my expectations and although all the characters are super messed up, you can't help but root for characters like Victor!
3. 18
I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18
(cutest puppy love story)
Most Likely to Succeed by Jennifer Echols
I recently reviewed this here and it was seriously the cutest love story ever! I loved it so much.
4. Girl Almighty
Her light is as loud as as many ambulances
 As it takes to save a savior
(a strong female protagonist)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I am totally choosing Katniss for this! She is the strongest female protagonist and is an all around kick-ass character. She is so compassionate and brave!

5. Fool’s Gold
And, yeah, I let you use me from the day that we first met
 But I’m not done yet
 Falling for your fool’s gold
 And I knew that you turned it on for everyone you met
 But I don’t regret
 Falling for your fool’s gold
(a book you love but ended up hurting you… but you still love it)
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
I loved and hated this book all at once. It definitely hurt!! #stillnotoverit
6. Night Changes
Does it ever drive you crazy
 Just how fast the night changes?
 Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
 Disappearing when you wake up
(best plot twist you weren’t expecting)
At The Water's Edge by Sara Gruen
My full review can be found here! I won't say much because I don't want to spoil it but I did not anticipate the novel going the way it did and it was such a great twist that helped build character!
7. No Control
I can’t contain this anymore
 I’m all yours, I got no control, no control
(a book where you can really feel the tension)
Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum
My full review can be found here! This book was so intense, it definitely was a rollercoaster ride!
8. Spaces
Spaces between us keep getting deeper
 It’s harder to reach ya even though I try
(a book where the love story takes a wrong turn…)
Like It Never Happened by Emily Adrian
My full review can be found here! I don't want to say too much without spoiling and I don't think this is only a love story because the book has a lot more than that. But there is a love story that definitely takes a wrong turn.
9. Stockholm Syndrome
Who’s this whisper telling me that I’m never gonna get away?
(a book that features Stockholm Syndrome)
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Ok to preface, I love this book series a lot, but come to think of it, it does feel a bit Stockholm Syndrome!

10. Clouds
I know you said that you don’t like it complicated
 That we should try to keep it simple
 But love is never ever simple
(a on-and-off/complicated relationship)
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Jace/Clary - Clace is definitely a complicated on-and-off relationship!
11. Change Your Ticket
So, you should probably stay here with me a couple more days
 Come on let me change your ticket home
(“long distance relationship”)
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E.Smith
This was a hard one because I don't know many books that focus on long-distance relationships!
12. Illusion
Tell me you believe in love
 It’s not an illusion
(a book that made you believe in love)
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
How could I not pick this one? Mr. Darcy!!
13. Act My Age
I won’t act my age, no, I won’t act my age
 No, I’ll still feel the same around you
(a book character that does not act their age)
To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
A bit of an inverted question/answer. I selected this one because one of my favorite characters ever, Kitty, is seriously wise beyond her years! And at times, Lara Jean really doesn't act her age which can be frustrating!
14. Once in a Lifetime
Once in a lifetime
 you were mine
(the saddest breakup)
The Night We Said Yes by Lauren Gibaldi
My full review can be found here! It wasn't the saddest breakup story, but I really enjoyed how this book handled breakups! It was such a wonderful read!
This was such a fun tag to do! I am going to go ahead and tag my two best girlfriends who also love one direction: Nikki from NikkitheKnack and Michelle from Musings of a Writer.
If you also love one direction, please go ahead and do the tag as well and link it to me in the comments! Happy reading all :D

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read most of the books you featured but I really liked your answers! And also I know only one One Direction song of the ones listed ... ohhh well. :D Great post!

    I also nominated you for the Creative Blogger Award - :D

    Yvonne @ A World Between Folded Pages
