Tuesday 24 March 2015

Review: Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark

Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark

Publishing Date: March 24, 2015
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, Books for Young Readers
Pages: 288 pages
Young Adult Contemporary

The Premise: Abram and Juliette have lived down the street from each other their entire lives. They knew of each other but did not really know each other. Until one day, they become intertwined in a way that is completely unexpected: Juliette's mom and Abram's dad were having an affair and unfortunately, it ended in an accident that took both of their lives. A little while later, one night they happen to meet at a CVS. Although it is extremely awkward for the both of them considering their past, they decide to say hi to one another and from there, a real friendship is sparked.

My overall thoughts and review: I received this book as an ARC from Raincoast Books and on the back of the book, there was a blurb by Jerry Spinelli, who write Star Girl raving about the book. I LOVED Star Girl growing up, so of course, I am going to trust Spinelli with his review of the book. We meet Abram and Juliette years later on that night in the CVS and we learn about the past in fragments from the characters and other surrounding characters. It is quite an interesting idea and concept that a friendship and soon a relationship with form between the two considering the circumstances. I quite enjoyed seeing the growth in both characters and see them come out of their shells, so to speak. I found it super intriguing that the majority of the text takes place away from their environment that caused the uncomfortableness and awkwardness and that they were able to well "find each other" in the end. I really loved the character of Abram and I enjoyed reading from his perspective the most. My only critique for the book was that it was too short in my opinion and I definitely think that towards the end, the pacing moved quite quickly. Basically, I wanted more of Abram and Juliette, which isn't much of a critique haha! ;) I think if you are a fan of David Levithan or John Green, then this book is one you should definitely check out because you will enjoy it! :D

My rating of the book:  (4/5 stars) 

Now available for purchase at:

Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by Raincoast Books for consideration/review. All opinions are my own. 

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