Wednesday 18 March 2015

Bookish Habits | Top 5 Wednesday

1. When it comes to hardbacks, I always read the book WITHOUT the dust jacket cover.

2. I really don't like to borrow books from people. I do occasionally, but ultimately, I would rather buy the book itself or borrow from the library. I always have this fear that if I borrow a book from a friend, something might happen that would cause the book to be damaged. It is completely irrational, but yeah.

3. If I loved a book that I bought on my e-reader, I will buy a physical copy for my shelves.

4. I personally prefer paperbacks over hardbacks.

5. I sometimes read more than one book at once. I really dislike doing this because I forget what I read before and it can get confusing, but I am finding that with receiving arcs, sometimes I end up prioritizing my reading based on release date. I am going to try avoiding this once because it is a bookish habit I really would like to change. I much prefer, reading one book at a time.

Well that is all for my Top 5 Wednesday for this week. Let me know in the comments below what are some of your bookish habits! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your bookish habits. I don't like lending out my books too often for the same reasons.

  3. I take off the dust jackets too. I would rather not damage the pretty dust jacket. And even though I like hardbacks because they look nicer on my bookshelf, I like reading paperbacks better.

    1. Same here! :D Thanks for commenting, Emma!

  4. I share some of your habits! I also read my books without the dust jacket on, I prefer paperbacks, and I read more than one book at a time.

    1. Yay awesome for having similar habits ;)
