Tuesday 25 February 2014

Meeting Marissa Meyer at Indigo Yorkdale!

Yesterday, I got to attend a book signing at Indigo Yorkdale for Marissa Meyer. For those of you that don't know who she is, she is the author of the amazing Lunar Chronicles! The series includes: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress (recently released) and Winter (set to be released in 2015). This is her second time signing in Toronto and I didn't get to see her last time, so I was really happy I got to go this time. My bestfriend and my boyfriend came with me. Remembering how busy the Rainbow Rowell signing was a few months ago, I knew we had to get there early and line up. It was a lot more organized this time around and we were all given numbers so that was helpful.

I loved Cinder and Scarlet so much, and I am thinking of writing reviews for them very soon and I really wanted to finish Cress before the signing, but I have been swamped with work that I am only halfway through it. We were there around 4:00pm, so three hours earlier, and good thing we were, because Marissa came by earlier and gave us all a Lunar Chronicles themed pin, so sweet!

The signing started just on time and Marissa started the evening tell us, how she became a writer, what inspired her and the overall process of getting the books published. We learned yesterday that she is a huge Sailor Moon fan (which makes my moonie heart so happy~) and also a huge Trekkie too. She was so sweet and she ended the talk with telling us the original story by the Grimm Brothers about Rapunzel which was pretty fitting, considering Cress is about Rapunzel. She then did some Q&A before signing and then at signing, she brought swag, so we all could get another pin, postcards and bookmarks! So awesome that she brought all of that along with her.

When I got up there to meet her, I told her how inspirational she is, because she went through and did graduate school, which is what I am doing at the moment and she gives me hope! I have dreams of writing a novel at some point and her story was just super inspiring. I also told her how much I loved the stories and that she spoke about the Hans Christian Anderson and Brothers Grimm fairytales and we spoke about how gruesome the Sleeping Beauty one is. Overall, it was a really quick moment, but I got all of my books signed and I got a photo with her. Huge fan girl moment haha. I hope she will return to sign her final book when that is released because I would definitely go again, I had a blast!

Have you read any of the Lunar Chronicles books? Let me know in the comments. Reviews for each book will be up soon, so be on the lookout for those.

Also, hello again to anyone that I met yesterday at the signing *waves*

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