Sunday 2 February 2014

I finished Ignite Me and I am currently in withdrawal.

Ignite Me by the beautiful Tahereh Mafi, is not officially released yet, but thanks to Chapters, I received my pre-order (both paperback and hardcover-because I hope one day T.M. will come to Canada to do a book signing and deface my hardcover copy with her pretty caligraphy).  I devoured it overnight, literally. No sleep.

It was all kinds of amazing.

And now, I am in a reading slump? I am not sure what I want to pick up next, because, I just want more Warner. I want more chapters and passages with him. I adore that character so much, it is insane! I just want more. I can't believe the trilogy is already over and this saddens me greatly.

I just thought you all should know.

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