Monday 3 December 2018

Batch Reviews #9

Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers #1) by Penny Reid (✮✮✮½ - 3.5/5 stars)
Publishing Date: March 23, 2018
Publisher: EverAfter Romance
Pages: 384

My Review: This was one of the books that my book club (#supersexybookclub) picked as one of our picks. I know that this series has a big following and there are still more books to come out! When I first started the book, I have to admit, I wasn't a giant fan of Jessica. There was so humor there and I did appreciate the nerdy references, but her desire to just leave constantly and the wanderlust was a bit much for me, especially since it came across as more escapism than anything. I understand the need to escape from small rural towns, but if you want to explore the world, it's not really all that glamorous doing it alone. So while Duane was more tied to his roots and wanted that white picket fence HEA, it wasn't so much the tangible space that determined things for him, but rather the people. The case of mistaken identity which begins the book quickly fades as they start dating quite soon after. There is the weird timeline which I wasn't fully on board with. I mean, you have to know that an expiry date predetermined will not end well. That being said, I was glad to see that they were able to work things out and find a happy compromise. I found the book quite big in terms of all the extra added drama, so I'm not sure if that was entirely necessary, even though it was probably there to lay the groundwork for the other books. What I enjoyed most about the book however was the Winston family as a whole. I loved seeing their interactions and it definitely makes me want to read the other books solely so I can get more family moments. I'm especially curious about Cletus' book!

Available for purchase:
Chapters/Indigo, Kobo, Amazon, and Book Depository

Dirty Headlines by L.J. Shen (✮✮✮✮✮ - 5/5 stars)
Publishing Date: September 7, 2018
Publisher: LJSHEN
Pages: 328

My Review: L.J. Shen has such a way with writing that leaves you thinking about her books long after you've finished reading them. I was really excited for this one because I'm always a sucker for the trope of office romances. I liked that this one began under the guise of it simply being a one-night stand, and then the two characters had to work together afterwards, because it was a lot different than the relationship building up over the course of working together. We do get that here a bit with Celian and Jude because it definitely changes, but it's definitely unique in a way where certain things have been established already. If you know me, then you know that Vicious by Shen is one of my favorite romance reads ever and Vicious definitely holds the title for book boyfriend. I was pleasantly surprised to see snippets of Vicious in Celian. They both are arrogant, and can sometimes come across as cruel, or even cold-hearted, but there's a lot underlying there that needs to be revealed and truly understood. I just loved Celian so much and learning about his history and seeing him so firmly stick to his guns against his father. And Jude, what an awesome heroine. She stands up for herself time and time again, and you really see her care for her father. She also wears various converses and picks the colors based on her feelings and mood. Definitely makes you want to grab a few pair of converses yourself just so you can hear Celian call you "Chucks." You also see both Celian and Jude as incredibly dedicated to their work and how they take on the task of capturing news in a really special way, together. Overall, this book had everything that I have come to love in Shen's work: very strong female and male leads, super sexy scenes, and moments that definitely tug at your heart strings. Loved, loved, loved it!

Available for purchase:
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Kindle, and Book Depository

Dangerous Exes by Rachel Van Dyken (✮✮✮✮ - 4/5 stars)
Publishing Date: October 30, 2018
Publisher: Amazon Publishing
Pages: 318

My Review: I read the first book in this series/duology earlier this year, and I absolutely LOVED it. Definitely one of my favorite 2018 books. However, the problem with these series is that the first book, Rachel presents to the readers a love triangle, and then whoever the lead doesn't end up with, they then get their HEA in the second book. It's great since everyone gets a HEA, but also, you spend the previous book LOVING the other character, and it's like meh. He's not as good as the one that was chosen :P That being said, I did find myself really enjoying this book.. and when I finished the book, I was genuinely glad to see that it was Blaire/Colin and Isla/Jessie. Jessie also really grew on me this book. There were things about him that bothered me, but you learn just how much his previous marriage messed him up. I really liked the banter and tension between Isla and Jessie and goodness, were the sexy moments ever steamy. Lastly, Rachel is able to write such strong and kickass female protagonists and I really love that. Isla was definitely intense, but she reminded me of myself in many ways. I loved her relationship with Goh-Poo so much and that definitely brought the antics and the humor in the book. Overall, it was a nice conclusion wrapping up the duology! Definitely recommend both! :D

Available for purchase:
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Kindle, and Book Depository
Disclaimer: I received an advanced readers copy of this book from Thomas Allen & Son in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Misadventures with a Rookie by Toni Aleo (✮✮✮✮ - 4/5 stars)
Publishing Date: April 10, 2018 
Publisher: Waterhouse Press
Pages: 288

My Review: I have seen the Misadventure books around for quite sometime now and I've always been curious about them. I was glad that we were able to add one to our #supersexybookclub and we picked one with a sports romance which I find myself really enjoying (especially if it's hockey related)! The misadventure books are standalones that can be read in any order, and are marketed as a good bedtime read that is super sexy! This is my first time reading something by Toni Aleo and I really enjoyed it. The narrative moves quite quickly and I have to admit, I'm always a sucker for the haters-to-lovers trope, or rather, where the guy is misunderstood and she learns that he is quite not the persona he gives off. It reminded me a bit of Helena Hunting's Pucked series which I enjoy. I loved the chemistry between Bo and Gus, and I just really liked Bo as a character, and seeing her rise up to all of her ambitions. They both are such hard-workers and you can see that they genuinely enjoy what it is that they do. I also loved seeing Gus slowly chip away at Bo in terms of surprising her at every turn. They do have horrible luck, so there were plenty of laugh out loud moments in the book. All in all, this was a fun read and I definitely am going to check out more by Toni Aleo and the other misadventure books. 

Available for purchase:
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Kindle, Kobo, and Book Depository

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