Thursday 12 February 2015

#RHCBloggerPreview - Most Anticipated 2015 Releases!

Hi all! I hope that you are all doing well. I have a super exciting post for you all today. Yesterday I was invited by the lovely ladies over at Random House of Canada (Aliya, Lindsey and Jess) to add the #RHCBloggerPreview. It was a great time with pizza, candy, books and meeting fellow book bloggers. We got some sneak peaks for some upcoming releases this year and I wanted to share with you all my most anticipated releases from the selection we were shown!

1. The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro
On Sale: March 3, 2015

Ishiguro is seriously one of my favorite authors. His works Never Let Me Go and The Remains of the Day seriously make my heart swell. He is also making a visit to Toronto soon so I really hope I get the chance to meet him. The girls at RHC said that this one was vastly different from his previous works, but like his previous ones, his books are truly a gift that fully immerse the reader into the world that he creates. It follows an older couple that searches for their son. 

2. Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
On Sale: June 9, 2015

Kinsella is also another author who I really love. You might recognize her from the ever-so-popular Shopaholic series. This is Kinsella's newest and first debut in the world of YA. It follows a girl named Audrey who has an anxiety disorder but she finds that she is able to connect with her brother's gaming friend, Linus. It is a bit of a YA romance, but the girls at RHC said that what Kinsella does to the YA genre is really quite different. This sounds amazing! 

3. Boo by Neil Smith
On Sale: May 12, 2015

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this a while back and I have yet to read it, but after hearing about it yesterday.. I am starting it immediately. The girls at RHC said that this book was really "Lord of the Flies" meets "The Lovely Bones" - I love both books so that well, just sells it for me right off the bat. It follows the character of Boo who is murdered in highschool, but he was murdered from behind so he doesn't see who did it. Boo is in heaven and he is attempting to unravel the mystery behind his murder. While he is there, another student murdered at the same school, Johnny ends up heaven and together they both form a friendship and as they try to find "their place." This definitely has YA feel to it, but it sounds just amazing. 

4. Snow White and the 77 Dwarfs by Davide Cali; illustrated by Raphaelle Barbanegre
On Sale: April 14, 2015

I love how Tundra is releasing such gorgeous picture books. I've always been a fan and I have acquired quite the collection over the years. When Jess first introduced this book to us, she said it was similar to the story of The TRUE story of the Three Little Pigs. If any of you have read that one, you will know it is a complete hoot. I studied it in my undergrad at university and I loved how it took a new spin on the original story. This new book follows that same process, where they take a new spin on the original snow white story - the other side of it. It focuses on how one would feel overwhelmed in a situation with not 7 dwarfs, but 77 dwarfs! It sounds so wonderful and I can't wait to add it to my collection. 

5. We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen
On Sale: May 12, 2015

Karen from OnePageBlog actually spoke about this a while back, so I was already intrigued by it because I find we have very similar reading interests. It is a YA novel from Nielsen and it deals with an awkward boy and a not-so-sweet girl. The girls at RHC said it deals with the "bully chatter" and how their worlds collide when their parents end up in a relationship together. And not colliding in the Brady Bunch sense at all. I am so excited for this! 

6. A Robot in the Garden by Deborah Install
On Sale: August 4, 2015

I was actually able to snag an ARC of this last night, so I will be reading it soon. I am so excited to read this. When they first described it, a blogger said that it was as if "Up" met "Wall-e" = UHM YES. Sign me up please. It follows an unemployed 34 year old named Ben and he meets a robot Tang, who is like a toddler and they form this very charming, quirky and heartwarming friendship. They also mentioned that it has a very "Rosie Project" feel to it, which I haven't read myself, but I keep hearing good things about it. I can't wait to read this, it sounds so fun and I really think it will give you the warm, fuzzy feelings that you would get from Wall-E. :D 

7. Better Than Before: Mastering The Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin
On Sale: March 17, 2015

I was also able to snag an ARC of this last night and it is being released next month. So you can bet I will have a review post for it up soon. Rubin is the author of the famous book, The Happiness Project and the new book really takes on that perspective again and how we have these habits of our everyday life that we should examine. Rubin encourages the reader to examine what kind of person you are and hinges on components such as exercising, eating, reading, etc - things that affect your lifestyle. I also hear that there will be a possible stationary bit with Indigo coming out with the book.. so perhaps highlighters?! Anything that has stationary with it, sign me up please! 

8. Free Days with George - Learning Life's Little Lessons From One Very Big Dog by Colin Campbell
On Sale: May 12, 2015

This book is about a rescue dog George, who has helped Campbell through his life events such as divorce. It is a quirky book about George and it has been called by the girls at RHC, "eat, pray, love" meets "Marley & Me" - This just sounds so emotional and I can't wait to read it. Also fun fact, George can surf! Like seriously. He is a part of a dog surfing championship. How awesome is that? 

9. China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan
On Sale: June 16, 2015

The lovely Lynne over at WordsofMystery raved so much about the first book Crazy Rich Asians that I picked it up recently. I am halfway through and I already love this world that Kwan has framed his narrative around. It is so much fun and really reminds me of the Shopaholic series and the Devil Wears Prada. This new release can be a stand alone if you want to read it as so, but it follows Nick and Rachel again. I am loving the first book so far, so I can't wait to dig into this! 

10. The Wild Oats Project by Robin Rinaldi
On Sale: March 17, 2015

So this book is basically a memoir about a woman in her 40's. Her husband doesn't want children, so before "settling down" they decide on an open marriage, where she has days spent with him and other days, where she spends on her own. The girls at RHC said that it has a very Sex and the City meets Girls kind of feel, and since I love both, I can't wait to read this. 

11. In The Unlikely Event by Judy Blume
On Sale: June 2, 2015

Okay how can you not be excited about this one?! It is by JUDY BLUME. There is also news that she is coming to Toronto later this year, so I am over the moon at that. I've loved her books growing up and so I am incredibly excited for a new release from her. It is based on the true events in Judy's life as a teenager and it is surrounded around these plane crashes. I don't really need to know more than that, because with Blume, I just know she will spin a narrative that will tug at my heart strings. I can't wait! 

The lovely ladies at RHC also shared some upcoming Fall 2015 releases as well, which I am so excited for: 

1. Bream Gives Me Hiccups by Jesse Eisenberg 
(yes THE Jesse Eisenberg) 

2. The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood

3. Butter Celebrates by Rosie Daykin

4. Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
(a YA debut)

5. The Readers of the Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald
(a book for book lovers) 

To conclude, how awesome do some of these books sound?? If you haven't already started, I suggest adding some of these as Pre-Orders to your carts ;) I can't wait to read all of these and I will be for sure featuring them on my blog. 

Please let me know in the comments below which ones you are most excited to read, I would love to hear your thoughts on it! 

Happy Reading.. or in this case, Happy Shopping! ;) 

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