Tuesday 23 April 2019

[Release Blitz] Baby Mine by Kennedy Fox - Review

I saw her first.
Blonde. Gorgeous. Feisty.
I was smitten. 

But it didn’t matter because she chose him and he was my best friend and roommate. I’d never be able to compete with that, so I pushed her away instead. It was easy when she lived hours away, and I didn’t have to see her every day, but then she moved in with us. 
Now, I’m screwed.

To her singing in the shower every morning, dancing in the kitchen while she makes coffee, and doing yoga in our living room, I can’t stop thinking about her in all the wrong ways. She’s not mine and never will be, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to push her against a wall and claim her mouth.

She’s constantly on me for making messes, bringing chicks home every weekend, and being a smartass when their PDA gets on my nerves. Considering neither of them know how I feel, it’s not fair for the way I act toward them. I should move out so I can get over her for good; however, the selfish part of me can’t let go. 

But then the unthinkable happens... 
When my best friend dies in a motorcycle accident, the two of us are left to grieve our loss together. Instead of pushing her away, I pull her closer. 

Just as we come to terms with our new reality, she finds out she’s pregnant with his baby. 
And I’m left to make the hardest decision of my life... 

AVAILABLE NOW: Amazon US | Amazon International 

My Review: 
I've been a fan of Kennedy Fox books for a while now, and I was so excited that they were bringing back a roommate series since I first fell in love with their Checkmate series which has a roommate trope in the first two duets. I knew going into this book that it was going to hurt just based on the premise alone. After reading Falling for the Cowboy, there was a prologue for Baby Mine, and damn, just that alone got me. It's definitely a case of where the male lead sees the girl first, there's a spark, but something happens that comes between them. In this case, Lennon ends up going home that fateful night with Hunter's best friend Brandon instead.  Don't get me wrong, I love how romance novels tell you off the bat the main couple, and I was fully on board with Hunter and Lennon from the start. I just didn't anticipate to like Brandon's character as much as I did. He was such a good friend to Hunter and a great boyfriend to Lennon. Also after meeting that night but realizing he lost his chance, Hunter decides to go forward doing everything possible to not have feelings for her. That involves having one night stands, and being what I would classify as a very difficult roommate. I'm not going to lie, I understand his anger and his unrequited feelings and it's no surprise that they build up the way they do with having to live with both Lennon and Brandon. He is constantly surrounded with the reminder that he lost her that night. The story changes gears when Brandon dies in a terrible accident. My heart absolute broke at this moment because like I said earlier, you as the reader, get to know Brandon and really like him. It's awful that he doesn't get that happily ever after that he wanted with Lennon and it just goes to show how life can change in an instant. As both come to grieve his death, and finally form a friendship that they should've had while he was alive, things get further complicated when Lennon realizes that she is pregnant with Brandon's child. Out of all the KF books I've read, this one packs multiple punches. I felt little blimps of happiness and I felt like my heart was torn out for a good chunk of this book. They write angst and pain really well here, and I would argue that this book demonstrates their best writing yet. Similar to their original Checkmate series, this book does end on a cliffhanger, and it has me eagerly awaiting the release for the next book (which thankfully isn't too far away). All in all, I loved this read! It was like a callback to their previous series, but it also had so much that I felt I can easily say it was their best book yet. There's a dose of humor, great friendship groups again (and in Lennon's case, her two sisters), lots of angst, and a whole lot of love. I can't wait to see how it all wraps up next! 

My rating of the book: ✮✮✮✮✮ - 5/5 stars
Disclaimer: I received an advanced readers copy of this book from Kennedy Fox in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.  

Book 2 in the Hunter & Lennon Duet Synopsis coming soon! 

Brooke Cumberland & Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors who teamed up to write under the USA Today Bestselling pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. They share a love of You've Got Mail and The Holiday. When they aren't bonding over romantic comedies, they like to brainstorm new book ideas. One day, they decided to collaborate and have some fun creating new characters that'll make you blush and your heart melt. If you enjoy romance stories with sexy, tattooed alpha males and smart, independent women, then a Kennedy Fox book is for you! 

Keep up with all their social media platforms for updates & info!

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