Tuesday 4 July 2017

Book Bloggers Recommend Summer Reads | 2017 Edition

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying the beautiful warm weather we are having in Toronto right now. I felt like it was time for another Book Bloggers Recommend post, since the last one was really fun to collaborate on! If you haven't seen the other post, I asked a few of my bookish friends to recommend some good Valentines Read here! This time around we are recommending summer reads/books you'd read by the beach/lake, or simply something you'd read outside (or inside) during the sunshine!

Michele at Just A Lil' Lost recommends...
"When Christine asked me to be part of another blogger collab, this time about beach/summer books, I immediately thought of On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves. It's been 5 years since I first read this novel but the story had stayed with me. On the Island is about Anna, a 30-year-old teacher who gets stranded on an island with T.J., her teenage student. When rescue seems less and less likely as the days, months and years go by, Anna realizes that the boy she first washed ashore with is becoming a man. The pairing may seem a bit shocking or taboo but the way their circumstances form their companionship is a compelling story."

 Michelle at Musing Wallflower recommends.. 
"When I think about summer reading, I think about picking up a book and sitting under my favourite tree at the park and enjoying the fresh air. And the book I'm recommending you bring to the park with you is Lost & Found by Brooke Davis.Very reminiscent of Pixar's Up, Lost & Found follows three protagonists - Millie, Agatha and Karl - who are all coping with a serious loss in their lives. Agatha and Karl, both having lost their spouses, accompany seven-year-old Millie on her adventure to find the mother who abandoned her at a department store, but the three of them end up finding companionship with one another. Despite the dark themes, the book is very funny and quite sweet. A light, uplifting read to bring along on a quiet, breezy day!"
(Michelle has also written a full-review on her blog here!)

Amanda at Brains, Books and Brawn recommends... 
"The honour of my being named my favourite beach/pool/park side summer read is a toss up between Morgan Matson's The Unexpected Everything and Laura Silverman's Girl Out of Water. They're both set in the summer (easy points won here) and capture the vibe of the season so well it almost hurts. I loved the stories and main characters in both as well. Of course there are also adorable summer romances to make you swoon and ship and fail. What's summer without cute stories?! Not to mention that the covers are so beautiful for outdoor bookstagram...if you can stop reading long enough to take a picture!"

Ambur at Burning Impossibly Bright recommends...
"I have a few books summery books that I absolutely adore, but the one that I always turn to is Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson. Prior to reading it, I mostly read paranormal and fantasy YA, but Amy and Roger opened me up to the wonderful world of contemporary, and I haven’t looked back since! I also just love that it’s the perfect catch-all summer book. You’ve got a road trip, a summer romance, great playlists, camping, and some crazy shenanigans! What’s not to love?! Other honourable mentions include: The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, Two-Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt, and because I can’t talk about books lately without bringing up romance, I’d also recommend Sweet Cheeks by K. Bromberg!"

Sarena & Sasha at The Writing Duo recommends...
"Our summer pick is a new YA by a great Canadian author, SK Ali. Saints and Misfits is both light-hearted and deals with heavy subject matter; but like the author says, it shows the humanity in Muslims, and also shows the woes of romance and being a 15-year-old, something most people can relate to. I loved reading Janna's journey to finding her own kind of empowerment among her family and friends. Seriously, this cover SCREAMS summer--and you want to read this book with a cone of ice cream, enjoying the summer breeze!" 

Jessica at The Paper Trail Diary recommends..
"I am not really a re-reader – my TBR pile is too big, watching over me, and I feel like it would judge me if I went back and spent more time on books. I know this is absolutely silly, but at least the books that I would re-read keep a special shelf of love in my heart. So when I think of a book that I would read outdoors in the summer, I think of The Museum of Heartbreak. It’s an adorable YA novel about a girl who has some growing up to do, and I think back on it fondly. When I think of it, I think of walking around Central Park and taking a moment to lie down in the grass in the shade. And because it is so sweet, it feels like sunshine. I also do like it when I read books in the summer that take place in the summer, for some reason that feels like a tall glass of lemonade (even when YA books that take place in the summer mean the MC is about to go through some life changes). In the past, I’ve recommended it as a great palette-cleanser read, especially after a string of darker books. It’s light, airy, and fun, and sweet like a ginormous ice cream cone. This kind of book is exactly the kind of thing I like to read in the summer."

Tiff at Mostly YA Lit recommends...
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"For me, the perfect beach or summer read has to have that sense of slow, hot days and nights, but also be captivating and sweet enough to hold my interest against the gorgeous outdoors. The two books that always put me in a summer mood are Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson (actually read in a cabin by the lake in British Columbia), and Open Road Summer by Emery Lord. While both these authors have written other summery books, the road trippy, swoony feelings that these books embody - along with just the right amount of healing, friendship, and transformation - make them perfect to whip through in a summer afternoon by the beach or lake."


I want to take a moment and thank all these fantastic bloggers for participating in this collaboration. They've recommended some amazing titles that I haven't read yet and that I'm already adding to my ever-growing TBR pile. I hope that you will find something enjoyable from their recs to pick up during this sunny and warm weather! Please be sure to show them some love on their blogs and check out their other social media links. 

Do you have any summer reads that you simply love and are perfect for a read in the sun?
Let me know in the comments below! 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post!! Looks like I have some books to add to my summer TBR! :)
