Wednesday 22 March 2017

Review: My (Not So) Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella

My (Not So) Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella 

Publishing Date: February 7, 2017
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Pages: 448
Fiction / ChickLit

The Premise from the Publisher: "Everywhere Katie Brenner looks, someone else is living the life she longs for, particularly her boss, Demeter Farlowe. Demeter is brilliant and creative, lives with her perfect family in a posh townhouse, and wears the coolest clothes. Katie’s life, meanwhile, is a daily struggle—from her dismal rental to her oddball flatmates to the tense office politics she’s trying to negotiate. No wonder Katie takes refuge in not-quite-true Instagram posts, especially as she's desperate to make her dad proud. Then, just as she’s finding her feet—not to mention a possible new romance—the worst happens. Demeter fires Katie. Shattered but determined to stay positive, Katie retreats to her family’s farm in Somerset to help them set up a vacation business. London has never seemed so far away—until Demeter unexpectedly turns up as a guest. Secrets are spilled and relationships rejiggered, and as the stakes for Katie’s future get higher, she must question her own assumptions about what makes for a truly meaningful life" (RH).

My overall thoughts and review: I've been reading Sophie Kinsella books for many years now. I remember being in first year university and binge reading all the Shopaholic books. I just love her quirky characters and hilarious story lines. Every character is so down to earth. When I heard she was coming out with a new book and with this kind of premise, I was instantly excited. I decided to go for the audible version since I was looking for a new read on my commute to work and school. The audible version is fantastic! The voice actor/reader did a fantastic job, so I would highly recommend checking out the audible version. Fiona Hardingham did a great job switching back and forth from various accents. So about the book! First off, I loved the protagonist, Katie, so much! Her life on a daily basis, while depressing at times, is hilarious and she has such drive and determination that you can really admire as a reader. Her "perfect life" on instagram, does not reflect what actually happens to her. Fired from her job, a potential romance that sizzles out before it even begins, Katie finds herself retreating to her family home to help her dad and step-mom set up a glamping business. I've looked at a few glamping websites and I've seen some photos on pinterest and goodness.. reading this book has made me want to go glamping myself! If only Anster Farms was a real place ;) At her family home, she attempts to hide the secret of what happened in London from her parents, while trying to find a new job, but things become messy when her ex-boss shows up, and soon, that potential romance love-interest also shows up. I don't want to get into what happens after that because of spoilers, but let me tell you, it was a fantastic read! I loved seeing how much Katie grew and how she came to realize certain things on her own. She was able to realize her own potential which was amazing to see. The story also touches on how things may not seem as they are, like her instagram posts, but also, characters like Demeter as well. I loved that each character was so well-rounded. I loved Katie's parents especially because they were so down to earth and supportive of Katie. The love-interest story line is also done really well, and appears realistic. Overall, I loved this book. I found myself laughing a lot and even crying at some points. There is a strong emphasis on self-love, family, and friendship and I think fans of Kinsella in general, will not be disappointed! :)

My rating of the book: ✮✮✮✮ (5/5 stars)

Available for purchase at:
AudibleChapters/IndigoKobo BooksAmazon and Book Depository (Free Worldwide Shipping)


  1. These seem like the perfect books for binge-reading; I'm glad to hear the most recent installment was such a rewarding story too!

    1. Yes!! Definitely a perfect read for a binge-read. Let me know if you check it out :)
