Wednesday 28 October 2015

Review: Binge by Tyler Oakley

Binge by Tyler Oakley

Publishing Date: October 20, 2015
Publisher: Gallery Books
Pages: 320 pages

The Premise: Famous youtuber, Tyler Oakley has come out with a book! For those of you that don't know Tyler, he is an incredibly funny, down to earth, charming youtuber who found his people with his viral videos. In this memoir, Tyler offers his readers a collection of essays where he speaks about his childhood, things that he's learned, things that he's obviously binged on and his career. Fans of Tyler Oakley will definitely enjoy this read but for those that don't know him, it is the perfect introduction!

My overall thoughts and review: "Hey everyone! My name is Tyler Oakley!" - I've been a big fan of Tyler for a couple of years now and when I heard that he was coming out with a book, I have to admit I was a bit hesitant. It seems that a lot of youtubers were recently coming out with books and I think with the transition from youtube content to books can be a tricky one. You want to be able to have the same charm that your videos have, but you also want to give people a reason to go out and get your book that is somewhat different from your videos. Tyler Oakley does exactly that. So before I get into my review, I want to say Congratulations, Tyler on a wonderful debut. I only know about Tyler through what he shares on his videos and social media, but a few things that has made me a fan over the years is his work with the Trevor Project, his love for all things food and how he is able to go outside the box. Also his yearly Auguest videos are some of my favorites, especially his collaborations with Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart and Grace Helbig!

So yes, about the book. What is Binge really about? In his introduction, he encourages his readers to binge "on the things that bring fulfillment and happiness and satisfaction and make you feel alive" (1). He obviously goes onto mention that sometimes this may end in it not being a great outcome, but nevertheless, bad moments in life should be taken as a moment of learning and creating balance in one's life. His collection of essays therefore shares his secrets about the times he's binged for the better or the worse, but regardless, he will tell you about it. It has been said that even if you've watched every single one of his videos, you will still not know some things that are mentioned in Binge, which had me intrigued from the start, and Tyler definitely follows through with this statement. First chapter he shares a big secret and immediately gets the book rolling for us all.

I don't want to spoil it and get into details, because ultimately, you should go out and read this book and learn those secrets for yourself. But I will say, as I was reading, I definitely heard Tyler's voice throughout. I laughed while reading like I do when I watch his videos, and I also smiled a ton while reading, just like I do when I watch his videos too. Tyler is honest, hilarious and incredibly sweet and it is very clear that he is a very down to earth human. My favorite chapters from the book definitely have to be Anything for a Dollar, The One That Got Away (Tyler, if I could, I would give you a massive hug), 20 Things I'd Do If I Were Beyonce for a Day and Dream Job. It was so interesting to learn about Tyler's journey! So in conclusion, I really enjoyed this book. It was MORE than what I was anticipating and a great delight to read. Again, fans of Tyler will definitely enjoy this and for those that don't know him, what are you waiting for? Go out and pick up a copy of Binge because you will definitely fall in love with him after reading it!

My rating of the book: ✮ (4/5 stars) 

Now available for purchase at:
Chapters/Indigo and Book Depository (Free Worldwide Shipping)

Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this book from Simon and Schuster Canada for consideration/review. All opinions are my own. 

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