Monday 21 April 2014

Bout of Books 10

Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Another bout of books read-a-thon is coming up again in a few weeks, and I am so excited! I signed up today.. and I can't wait to participate again. I had a blast last time and I accomplished so much reading, which was awesome!

For those of you that don't know what Bout of Books is... it is:

The Bout of Books Read-a-Thon was created by Amanda @ On a Book Bender on a complete whim in August 2011*. It took on a life of its own and was such a hit that Amanda decided to do it again and turn it into a somewhat regular occurrence.
  • Bout of Books is a week long read-a-thon, usually from 12:01am on a Monday through 11:59pm on a Sunday in whatever time zone you are in.
  • It is low pressure, meaning participants are only asked to push themselves to read more than they normally would during any given week. There is no competition between readers.
  • How much time a reader wants, and can commit, to read, tweet, or network with fellow bloggers is left to individual preference. All challenges and giveaways are optional.
  • Networking with fellow bloggers is actively encouraged, though never required.
  • Use Twitter to post updates throughout the read-a-thon. Everyone will be tweeting with the #boutofbooks hashtag.

Bout of Books

Are you signing up? :) 


  1. I want to sign up for BoB but it always falls the week before my week's holiday!!! Curses!
    Also, just wanted to say thank you for being awesome. I'm giving you the Liebster award <3
    Aimee @ What Aimee Read Next

    1. Hi Aimee. Hope you can find some time for it!!
      And awww, thank you so much <333

  2. Awesome!! I look forward to following your progress with it!
