Friday 5 October 2018

Penguin Random House Canada Fall Preview | October 2, 2018

Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well. The lovely folks at PRHC had their Fall Preview again earlier this week for booksellers and bloggers. I was so excited to attend because they always put together a great presentation showcasing all the great books for the holiday season. This helps so much for someone who is a bookseller, but also someone who has no self-restraint and loves adding more to their TBR pile ;)

They mentioned a ton of books that have been recently released and are coming soon, and I can't wait to read so many of them. Here are the ones I'm most excited for: 


The Greatest Love Story Ever Told by Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally sounds absolutely hilarious and charming. It's basically a conversation between the two about life and all things love. I saw them read an excerpt on a late night show and I immediately added it to Audible. 

Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking is his final book to us which is going to be published posthumously. The foreword is by Eddie Redmayne who played Hawking in a movie and the afterword is by his daughter. I loved Hawkings writing so much and I'm sure this one will be a bittersweet read. 

The Winters by Lisa Gabriele is pitched as a modern day Rebecca (by Daphne du Maurier) and also compared to Curtis Sittenfield's Eligible. I loved both books so I'm totally here for this. Also can we talk about the cover? It's stunning! 

Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami - I mean, are you surprised that I'm excited for this one? I am over the moon excited for this to release and I will drop everything to read it. I've been eagerly awaiting this and I already know I'm going to love it. 

Becoming by Michelle Obama - I don't read a lot of non-fiction and usually when I do, it's often memoirs or essays. I'm so excited for this one because I just admire Michelle so much as an individual and all the work that she has accomplished. I'm also longing for a time when she was our First Lady so much. I can't wait to read this and I think I'll definitely opt for an audible version if she's going to narrate it! 

The Kingfisher Secret by Anonymous - the details for this book are still very vague and the author will remain anonymous. All I know is that it's a fun spy thriller and it takes place in the White House. There may or may not be some links to factual stuff, but I think it will be fun trying to decipher things as I read along ;) 

Are you excited for any of the titles mentioned above? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! :) 

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