Thursday, 24 March 2016

Review: Eat Better, Live Better, Feel Better: Alkalize Your Delicious Recipe At A Time by Julie Cove

Eat Better, Live Better, Feel Better: Alkalize Your Delicious Recipe At A Time by Julie Cove

Publishing Date: March 1, 2016
Publisher: Appetite by Random House
Pages: 304 pages

The Premise from the Publisher: "Eat your way to better health! In Eat Better, Live Better, Feel Better, Julie Cove explains how having too many acid-forming foods in your body creates an environment that can cause inflammation, resulting in everything from headaches to muscle pain to chronic illness. But, she argues, by adapting to an alkaline-based lifestyle you can ward off ill health, aid digestion, eliminate acid reflux and increase your energy. In this beautiful book, Julie gives you everything you need to quickly feel the benefits of the alkaline way of life. Julie's personal story of overcoming illness is behind the writing of this book. Now a holistic nutritionist and certified plant-based cook, she is the picture of an energetic, healthy and balanced lifestyle, and she wants to give you the tools to get there, too. Eat Better, Live Better, Feel Better is a book that will help balance your body and revitalize your life, and will be your blueprint for improved good health for years to come" (Appetite by Random House). 

My overall thoughts and review: So in the past few months, my household recently got a "juicer" and I've been drinking a ton of juices lately. However, my recipes seem pretty bland and boring, utilizing the same fruits and vegetables over and over again. When I saw this book come out, I was instantly intrigued because I wanted to incorporate more recipes and really learn more about the "Alkaline" lifestyle. Julie Cove begins the book by introducing the reader to what the Alkaline lifestyle means and a 4-step program to ease people into it. She talks about the benefits of how it cleanses and detoxifies your body. She also explains deep-tissue acids and toxins in depth. My aunt suffers from overacidity and this book really helped me understand the situation a lot better. The acidity food chart is extremely helpful and has been super helpful in determining what items are considered "alkaline" foods and "acidic" foods. She also offers a substitution chart which outlines if you enjoy certain acidic foods, what would be a good substitute. For example, I've been adding lemon juice and lime juice to my water more frequently lately and I feel it is a nice alternative to having pop with my meals. Cove also has a section about cleanses which is really big at the moment and how to prepare your body for a cleanse. She also offers how to cleanse on your own which is a really great inexpensive way to do it, since all the fad cleanses are super expensive and I'm quite scared to take the plunge into them. Also, Cove has a section on supplements which is super helpful for someone like me wanting to incorporate more supplements in my everyday life, but I get super overwhelmed in the supplement sections of stores.

I haven't even gotten to the main chunk of the book and that is the recipe section. Cove has put together a selection of alkaline recipes for juices, smoothies, nourishing drinks, breakfast, salads, soups, wraps, vegetables, and treats. I've mostly tried the juice recipes so far and I plan on making the chia hemp milk soon! I'm actually moving very soon and this will definitely be a staple in my new home and helping me incorporate a more healthy lifestyle. This book is beautifully made with pictures for every recipe, and beautiful charts outlining everything. I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking to take the plunge into a more healthy lifestyle. I don't think I will officially make the plunge completely into an alkaline lifestyle, but this book has been helpful in informing me about it and I've been able to adjust my lifestyle slowly bit by bit with it!

My rating of the book:  (4/5 stars) 

Disclaimer: A copy of this book was sent to be by Penguin Random House Canada for consideration/review. All opinions are my own. 

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